Questions tagged [adverbs]

Questions about adverbs (副词 - fùcí), i.e. a part of speech that can modify verbs, adjectives, clauses, sentences and other adverbs, but not nouns.

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1 vote
3 answers

How is 都是 used here?

他现在都是卡着时间准点开会 Does 卡着时间 mean stop time right? I remember being told it is slang for 卡点 which means to like check the time but whaf I am confused about is 都是 卡着时间 is a verb and object right? How come 是 ...
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1 answer

Meaning of 才 in 这样 才 更 容易 获得 幸福

Below sentence is quoted from the official textbook of hsk4. 有的时候,没有 机会 可以 主动 制造 机会,这样 才 更 容易 获得 幸福。 I think that 才 here can be interpreted in 2 ways. just(adverb) ability Which is correct here?
4 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't 真的, when used as an adverb, use 地? [duplicate]

地 turns an adjective into an adverb: I run quickly = 我快地跑 的 turns an adjective into a noun-phrase: the quick one = 快的 (2) holds true for the adjective 真:"哪张照片是真的?" = Which photo is the real ...
2 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between 每天(都) and 天天?

As far as I can find, 每天 is slightly more formal?
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3 answers

What does 如 in 如通常在论坛比较普遍的部分网络用语 mean?

In the following page: “网络用语”,即多在网络上流行的非正式语言,经常引发社会热潮,多为谐音、错别字改成,也有象形字词,以及在论坛上引起流行的经典语录。如通常在论坛比较普遍的部分网络用语: What does 如 in the final sentence mean and how does it work grammar-wise? At first I ...
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2 answers

Common use of character 大 as adverb

Wenlin dictionary doesn't consider 大 as an adverb, whereas Online dictionary Chine Nouvelle considers it also as an adverb. So is 大 commonly used in modern Chinese as an adverb? Or would it not be ...
14 votes
7 answers

What is the difference between using 光 vs using 只?

What is the gramatical difference between 光 and 只? 光剩下2毛钱 does not have the same meaning/context as 只剩下2毛钱 It seems there is more emphasis to the part that comes after 光. When is the right time to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Still about the filler word 很, after 得

I just learned that an adverb or quality describing how a verb (action) is performed must be preceded by the filler word 得, which introduces an "expression of degree" ("well", &...
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2 answers

Position of direct object in a sentence with an adverb of degree

I came across the following sentence: 怪不得法文他说得那么好。 Which translates as "No wonder that he speaks French so well". So far so good. However, this word order is intriguing to me. "He ...
3 votes
3 answers

Should words like 一般 or 平时 be put before or after the time reference?

So, for example, I want to ask — When do you usually do your homework? Should it be 你什么时候(一般/平时)做作业 or 你(平时/一般)什么时候做作业 Crucially, I'd like to know why should it be done the way it should be.
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1 answer

Ranking of Likelihood/Probability Words

There are several words in Chinese that express various degrees of probability/possibility/likelihood, such as 也许,说不定,可能,确定,etc. Many of these words have overlapping definitions, but this may or may ...
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3 answers

When should I use 地 with an adjective and when should I not use it with an adverb (and why do some adverbs require 地)?

I got quite confused these days with the grammar rule that adds 地 to an adjective to make it work as an adverb. My basic understanding is that you must add 地 to make an adjective work as an adverb, ...
5 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between 准时 and 按时?

These both seem to mean "on time" or "on schedule" (compared to 及时, which I believe means "in good time", i.e. before the scheduled / agreed time). Is there a difference ...
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2 answers

Adj. + 到 to express an extent

I've just stumbled across this sentence: "吃土" 表示自己没有钱了,很穷,穷到只能吃土的状态了 I'm interested in 穷到只能吃土的状态了. It means "so poor that they can only eat soil". But it seems that adjective + 到 ...
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1 answer

Why can 地 sometimes be omitted when placed after adjectives?

I thought that 地 is attached to any adjective to form an adverb. In the case of 大声, why would you say 大声唱歌 (sing loudly) instead of 大声地唱歌? Is this because 大声 is originally an adverb (loudly) instead ...
7 votes
3 answers

What's the difference between 只 and 才?

What's the difference between 只 and 才? When should I use 只 and when 才? Can you give me some examples please?
1 vote
1 answer

What are the rules for the order of time adverbs?

I have some doubts about the sentence order for time adverbs. Note: Time adverbs tell us when an action happened, but also for how long, and how often. English examples: When: today, yesterday, later,...
3 votes
2 answers

What is important to consider while building an adverbial phrase? [closed]

As far as I know, in Chinese, the adverbial phrase is put right in front of the verb and its purpose is to describe the verb. Sentence pattern: S adverbialphrase V O What are the rules to put a ...
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2 answers

What should one pay attention to when translating "I will go to military-school [within the next week]" into Chinese?

What advice for translation could you give in this context, how would you translate the following sentences containing adverbials: I will go to military-school soon. I will go to military-school ...
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2 answers

Is it possible to know what 都 means in "Subj + 都 + Predicate + 了"?

In my lessons, I came across two different meanings for the adverb 都 dōu: "Already" with the structure: Subj. + 都 + Predicate + 了, where 了 stands for completion of the predicate (see ...
5 votes
3 answers

Can an adverb modify another adverb in Chinese?

I was wondering if an adverb in Chinese can be used to modify another adverb. I looked some resources but I could not find it. For example, in Adverb in resources.allsetlearning, they just say "...
0 votes
2 answers

Part-of-speech problems about adjectives or adverbs preceding 地

In "高兴/地/说", is 高兴 an adjective or an adverb? The following link is a document on "Part-Of-Speech Tagging Guidelines for the Penn Chinese Treebank (3.0)"
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2 answers

Use of 真的 as adverb: are 我真要走了 and 我真的要走了 equally correct?

I came across the sentence: "我真的要走了". I am wondering why it has the 的. I didn't know 真 needed a 的 to be an adverb, or that it was even ok. Is it equally correct to say "我真要走了"? Or is "我真的要走了" ...
1 vote
2 answers

Using 得 with past particle 了

I tried to translate this sentence: The man cleaned the bathroom cleanly. I thought it would be: 他把卫生间打扫得干净了。 but my Chinese friends said that this is a wrong sentence. I am wondering, Why is ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why is 讲 where it is in 他英语讲得很好?

I was doing a sentence rearranging exercise and came across this: 他英语讲得很好。 Could someone explain the structure of this sentence? I feel like it would be more properly written as: 他会说英语说得很好。 I ...
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3 answers

Is it okay to use multiple degree-intensifiers in a sentence?

I found this example sentence in Pleco's dictionary entry for 厲害 : 他的聲音真的很厲害。His voice is amazing. Why isn't 真的 included in the translation to make it "His voice really/truly is amazing"? More ...
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2 answers

In 你多吃点 and 多给他点时间吧, is 多 an adjective or an adverb?

Usage of 多 is a little bit confusing. As I understand it's an adjective in the following example 两百多个学生, but in the below-mentioned examples is “多” an adjective or an adverb? 1)你多吃点 2)多给他点时间吧
8 votes
2 answers

Function of 开了 in 我开车开了半天了

I am currently studying Basic Mandarin Chinese by Cornelius C. Kubler and encountered the following sentence in Unit 8 Part 4: 我开车开了半天了,我们换个人开,行不行? Without 开了 the first part of sentence makes ...
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2 answers

Which part of speech is 看起来: an adverb or a verb?

Is "看起来" an adverb or a verb? I've been searching all over the internet and I can't find the answer.
4 votes
7 answers

Can I split up time phrases and adverbs?

If there is more than one part to a time phrase (e.g. both 今天 and 八点) can I place one of them before the subject and one after? Is there any situation in which this would be okay? 他今天八点要去看电影 (not ...
19 votes
7 answers

Stative verbs in Chinese: only for adjectives?

I've recently discovered that in Chinese, adjectives can function as verbs. An answer on this site stated that "all adjectives in Chinese can function as verbs". This was obviously an interesting ...
1 vote
3 answers

Does this type of colloquial compound adjective translate directly: "got-rejected dance"

做我被拒绝的舞蹈! Doing my "got-rejected" dance! Final answer: 被拒绝后,我气得直跺脚跳 "我被拒绝后的舞蹈!"
4 votes
4 answers

Difference in word order of these two adverbs: 再 又

My teacher brought this up and now I want to know: When there are two verbs in a sentence (one's a helping verb) and you want to use 又 or 再, why is their placement different? I got these example ...
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7 answers

How does 十分/不十分 work?

十分 is an adverb used just as 非常, but while 十分 can be negated (不十分), 非常 can't. (不非常 is unacceptable.) That's the explanation given by my book, which also gives me these sentences as examples: 他不十分聪明。 ...
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2 answers

part-of-speech of 只有

I am not sure what are the possible part-of-speeches of 只有 What are the part-of-speeches of 只有 in these sentences? 水深也'只有'十二米 '只有'通过学者的社区考验过的思想,才有活力
3 votes
2 answers

How many different types of adverbials exist in total?

At first I learned: The most frequent sentence pattern in Chinese is S V O e.g. 你 打 我 Next I learned: There are fixed places within this pattern, where one can put adverbials,namely ...
7 votes
3 answers

Difference between 好累 and 很累

我很累。 我好累。 What's the difference between those sentences? Both seems to mean "I'm tired".
2 votes
3 answers

Does 好 + adjective with negative connotation reinforce the negative connotation or mitigate it?

Sometimes I heard 好 precedes an adjective which includes negative connotation (e.g. 无聊, 累). Example: 好无聊啊! 好累了。 In these cases, do speakers have good or bad intentions? Specificall: Does it have ...
6 votes
5 answers

这就是台湾,这才是台湾. Cracking the 就 again

Many moons of my struggle with 就 and 就是 maybe finally over. But still I need help from natives and others. There is a book out there with a title: "这就是台湾,这才是台湾" Once I saw that phrase I thought that ...
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2 answers

What is the word to emphasize the 最~ ("by far the best") in Mandarin?

I would like to know an equivalent word for "by far" in Mandarin, when it comes to the superlative degree (最~). For example: 有的人之所以不吃早餐是大概为三种理由而划分了。第一个是来不及,第二个是减肥,而第三个是很麻烦。但是第一个理由是最多的。 In this ...
6 votes
5 answers

How to express "Now, ..." in Chinese (the usage of "now" to draw attention to a particular statement)?

In the following example sentence in English: Suppose that you buy the product in $10 in the store A. The store A is located in 3 miles away. Now, you found out that the store B sells the same item ...
2 votes
2 answers

Which 相呼应 should I use in 只要?

只要 means "only if ~" or "as long as ~", and is usually used with 相呼应, such as 就 or 便 in the main clause. At least it is different from 只有, which is used with 才 or 方. But I don't understand which 相呼应 ...
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3 answers

What does 如此 mean in 表示显然如此或确实?

In the following sentence that explains the usage of 明明: 表示显然如此或确实,下文的意思往往转折。 The meaning would be something like the following: It shows obviousness or such, or certainity. After the word ...
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2 answers

Is it acceptable to omit the main clause in 只要~ phrase?

Is the following sentence over 人民網: 朝鲜最高领导人金正恩在20日举行的劳动党中央委员会第七届第三次全体会议上宣布,朝鲜将从21日开始,不再进行任何核试验和洲际弹道导弹发射,废弃朝鲜北部核试验场。只要朝鲜不受核威胁挑衅,朝鲜绝对不使用核武器,不泄露核武器和核技术。 When you use 只要~, it needs a main clause, which ...
5 votes
3 answers

How to use correctly 只要?

I want to ask if this sentence is acceptable: 只要我还头疼,就不能去上课。 As I only saw sentences with 只要 in which the condition brings about a result (poisitive) but here the result is negative. Is it a ...
6 votes
5 answers

Can all adjectives be transformed into adverbs with 地?

In Mandarin if you use 地 to an adjective, it can change into an adverb. For example, 我真喜欢你健健康康地长大。 他舒服地躺在那里。 Now I wonder whether all adjectives can be transformed into adverbs in this rule. Is this ...
1 vote
2 answers

Two word verbs with adverb

I was just working on a Chinese review app and came across the sentence: 他游泳游得很快。 And I was wondering if the doubling of the first character is unique to certain kinds of verbs or all 2 character ...
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4 answers

What does 所 mean in 正如我们之前所说?

In the following sentence: 正如我们之前所说,Alphabet在企业投资者中似乎有些另类。 I assumed the usage of 所 in this case is, according to Pleco: [as a noun without 的, esp. when the verb is monosyllabic] 据你所说 But in this ...
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3 answers

How can I use 有点 or 一点 to add "a little" to a verb?

According to Chinese Language grammar wiki: Used with Nouns 一点 (yīdiǎn) can be placed before a noun to mean "small quantity," like 一点水,一点钱 while 有点 (yǒudiǎn) can't be used this way. Used ...
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1 answer

What does "悠" mean in "悠久"?

"悠久" is often used to describe a period of history (I read it from ), and I wonder how does the adv "悠" work in "悠久". I've searched, the complete word means, 悠久,汉语词汇,形容词(褒义)。 拼音:yōu jiǔ 词义:长久;...