Questions tagged [meaning]

Questions about understanding the meaning of words, phrases, etc. For in-context meaning, use [meaning-in-context].

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Teapot signature/symbol/character

Could anyone tell me what this symbol at the bottom of a teapot stands for? Thank you![This is a tea set I found in my mother’s house a few years ago]
Kathleen Adams's user avatar
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The meaning of 鬓边不败牡丹

It's from this song: 是意中人 鬓边不败牡丹 Something about lovers. I wonder if it's a reference to some Chinese ...
HoaPhan's user avatar
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What is the difference between 潜艇 and 潜航器?

是意味着乌克兰现在对于克里米亚的这个战术,发生了一些新的改变,呃应该说克里米亚地区的安全形势大幅的恶化,跟乌军战法的更新,有很大关系,首先,乌军,现在的这个从装备的角度讲呢,有很多选择比如说无人机,无人艇和无人潜航器,加上现在的北约援助给乌克兰的,这个远程的战术巡航导弹等等,那么,主要还是要看到就是这各种啊,所谓的无人机... This is from a news broadcast I ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 却 in 却可以使我们不会在错误的道路上走得太远?

我有一个体会:现实中,我们不一定知道正确的道路是什么,但时时反省、总结,却可以使我们不会在错误的道路上走得太远。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 26. What is the meaning of 却 here? 却(?)可以(can)使(let)我们(us)不会(will not)在(in)错误的(wrong)道路(...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Explanation of 五颜六色

棚子里有一张床板摆着各种题材的小人书,墙边还拉了几根绳子,一本本书翻开搭在上面,五颜六色的,很好看。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, segment 20. The 五颜六色 with meaning colorful or multicolored, can it be used even if the number of the ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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How to literally translate this: 第二种忙,忙得很主动,忙而不乱,人是工作的主人?

工作中的忙碌大概可以分为三种:第一种忙, ...;第二种忙,忙得很主动,忙而不乱,人是工作的主人;第三种忙,... This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 26. I want your help for the literal translation of this: 第二种忙,忙得很主动,忙而不乱,人是工作的主人 第二(...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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How to literally translate this: 正当水手们慌张得不知如何是好时, ..., 使劲儿朝里面放水?

有一位经验丰富的老船长,一次返航中,天气恶劣,他们的船遇到了可怕的巨大风浪。正当水手们慌张得不知如何是好时,老船长命令水手们立刻打开货舱,使劲儿朝里面放水。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, segment 25. How to literally translate this: 正当水手们慌张得不知如何是好时,...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 大事小事?

文文从小是个乖乖女,学习刻苦,遵守纪律。大事小事,尽管妈妈表示也要征求她的意见,但上哪所学校、念什么专业,甚至跟什么人交朋友,基本上都是妈妈说了算。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 23. What is the meaning of 大事小事? What does "big thing small thing&...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Difference between 打电话给 and 打电话和?

如果只能活24小时,我会打电话和朋友们说再见。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, segment 21. What is the difference between 打电话给 and 打电话和?I would write it as: 如果只能活24小时,我会打电话给朋友们说再见。 So what is the difference? ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Difference between 怎么办 and 做什么?

1994年,理查德得了心脏病,当时医生说他剩下的时间可能不多了。那时,他开始思考自己的人生,“我该怎么办? 我该做什么?” This is from the Standard Book of HSK5, section 21. I am in this point: 我(I)该(should)怎么(what)办(do)? 我(I)该(should)做(do)什么(what)? So what is ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Differences between 知识,知,识,知感 and 认识?

“知识” 两个字我始终认为它是要分开来谈的,“知” 就是知感,“识” 就是认识。所谓 “知感” 就是别人告诉你、说给你听、要求你记住的那一部分。但只有这一部分是不够的,还要有认识、思考。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 22. I would appreciate if you explain the ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Differences between 学生,学童 and 同学?

比如,他们讨论过《卖火柴的小女孩儿》是写给谁看的,还讨论过灰姑娘的故事。老师讲完故事之后,问同学们: ... This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, section 22. I don't understand why the word 同学 is used. Why not 学生 or 学童? 老师讲完故事之后,问学生们: ... ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 看 in 比如,他们讨论过《卖火柴的小女孩儿》是写给谁看的?

我曾经听一位美国的小学老师说,他们十分重视和学生一起讨论问题。比如,他们讨论过《卖火柴的小女孩儿》是写给谁看的,还讨论过灰姑娘的故事。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 22. What is the meaning of 看 here: 是写给谁看的?Maybe to consider?: 比如 (for example)...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Please explain the difference between 具備, 俱備

Please explain the difference between 具備, 俱備. Do they mean the same thing? Or is there some subtle differences? To me they both seem to mean the exact same thing: to be prepared. Thanks for the help!
ronald christenkkson's user avatar
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Trying to find information on this silk painting - Presumably from 1666, made for the Kangxi Emperor

This painting was presented to us as follows: “Xia Summer”. With seals“Chen Quan Xi” and “Nam Ping Kangshi”. Dated 1666. I've figured out that this does refer to 'The year of the Fire Horse' which ...
Jordaens's user avatar
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Can「文化」replace 「學歷」in a sentence?

I watched a Chinese documentary program, a woman told the interviewer:「我父母都沒什麼文化,所以祇能做一些低薪的勞力工作」 My reaction was "She couldn't really mean to say her parents are uncultured". Judging from ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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Explain the meaning of「打斧頭」

I watched a mainland Cantonese program explaining 「打斧頭」. Since an axe is only sharp on one side. The back part of the axe is often cast with inferior materials to reduce costs. Therefore, the meaning ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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What's the difference between 写下 and 记下?

Please explain to me the difference between them . When should i use them and so on .
Tatiana's user avatar
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What is the exact meaning of 着 and how to use it in a sentence?

What is the exact meaning of 着 and how can I use it in a sentence?
Ilyasu Abdullahi's user avatar
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Exact Meaning of 左挑右选 and 前看后看

I'm reading 寓言故事 about the story of 郑人买履, and I found the phrase 左挑右选 and 前看后看, what does it means? Especially for the 前看后看, is it like before looking and after looking? It is kind of weird with the ...
Arren 翼挺's user avatar
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difference between 接到 and 收到

Can you give me as many as example sentences where I can use 接到 but not 收到 use 收到 but not 接到 use both 接到 and 收到, and their meanings are same use both 接到 and 收到, and their meanings are different? I'm ...
hmje's user avatar
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When to prefer “是……的” over “了” in “是谁把你送到机场的?” or “谁把你送到了机场?”?

When to prefer “是……的”· over “了”? Which one of the following is correct? 是谁把你送到机场的? 谁把你送到了机场?
Michal Rosenbaum's user avatar
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I can't understand the roles of 光 and 就 which are used inside 光写这份提纲,就花了我一个月的时间。

光写这份提纲,就花了我一个月的时间。 It took me a month to write this outline. (this translation has been made by deepL). I can completely link the sentences of deepL and 写这份提纲,花了我一个月的时间(removed 光 and 就)。 I want to ...
TG24's user avatar
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Meaning and function of "会" in 我都会把下次学生需要带东西写在黑板上?

“每次下课前,我都会把下次学生需要带东西写在黑板上” (hsk3 standard course textbook chapter 12, text 4) What's the meaning and function of ”会“ in this sentence? Can I omit it and still preserve the meaning of the sentence?
Michal Rosenbaum's user avatar
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旁边那个大点儿的杯子是我的 — how to correctly break down this sentence?

I think 『那个大点儿的杯子』will be translated together as "that bigger cup", though I do not understand which thing 『旁边』 is referring to. Is it The object that is nearby that bigger cup is mine, or ...
qkhanhpro's user avatar
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How do you describe Chinese words when you are learning Chinese?

I am making a fantasy language and trying to learn how other languages outside of English organize their grammars. I am looking at Mandarin Chinese Result Complements, and they are all complex ...
Lance's user avatar
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What does 做上饭 mean?

What means 上? Recently i saw a phrase where a women said 你怎么做上饭了啊? And i would like to know how often this happens and what it is used for.Please explain to me
Tatiana's user avatar
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What does 给 mean other than "to give"?

I've seen sentences where 给 is not used in the sense of "give". Please explain to me why 给 is used here? The sentences: 你给我听好了 你给我站住
Tatiana's user avatar
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What's the difference between 去 and 来?

I noticed that 去 and 来 are used in a sentence in a strange meaning. For example: 1) 实际上,很多问题的答案都可以从生活中找到。但这需要你有眼睛去发现,用心去总结。 2) 自己不花时间去想 3) 眼不是用来做饭的吗? What's the difference between them and when ...
Tatiana's user avatar
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What's the meaning of 稿件投诉, I saw it on 哔哩哔哩 while streaming?

While I stream videos on 哔哩哔哩, I saw 稿件投诉. But when I searched on Pleco, 稿件 means contribution or manuscript, and 投诉 means appeal or complain. If we combine them both, what does it means? Contribution ...
Arren 翼挺's user avatar
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What does GHKWXUE mean in English?

What does GHKWXUE mean in English? It's the brand name if a pot/pressure cooker I'm looking into buy and I wondered what it means.
George's user avatar
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How can we conclude that 人生观的核心 is 人生目的?

This is a question from C-Eval used to evaluate Chinese generative AI, in the category "ideological and moral cultivation" (the AI is supposed to choose B (in bold) when given this question; ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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What's the difference between 没想到 and 想不到?

There is no information about this in my dictionary. Unfortunately, for me they have exactly the same meaning. Could you explain the difference to me if I am wrong?
Tatiana's user avatar
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Can 气候 literally or non-literally mean "atmosphere"?

CC-CEDICT: 气候 (qì​hòu​) climate / atmosphere / situation / CL: 種|种 I'm puzzled as to why "atmosphere" is listed here. Literally, an atmosphere is a gaseous layer that surrounds a planet, ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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Is it possible to use 捷然 for a girl's name?

I am trying to choose a name for my baby girl and am wondering if i can use 2 words: 捷然 for middle and given name ?
Steven Huong's user avatar
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What does 荤菜 mean and why isn't it called 肉菜?

My understanding is that 荤菜 means "meat dish" in Chinese. But I don't understand why. I read there is a saying "荤素搭配", which draws similarities to Yin and Yang. If someone knows ...
Sharkbird's user avatar
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Why does 沒收 mean confiscate?

When I first heard 沒收, I thought 沒收 meant "not receive", as in the screen cap below. But then I was startled that 沒收 means confiscate too! Why? Is confiscation related to "not ...
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what is mean "Winfield Hill is by inclination an electronics circuit-design guru" in Chinese

The original text is Winfield Hill is by inclination an electronics circuit-design guru. After dropping out of the Chemical Physics graduate program at Harvard University, and obtaining an E.E. degree,...
Tom's user avatar
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My mother got this tattoo when she was 14 and I’ve always wondered what it meant

My mother got this tattoo years ago and I’ve always wondered what it says, I think it’s Chinese but I’m not sure
Marie's user avatar
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Best phrasing vertically

I am practicing Chinese style painting and I would like to integrate Chinese lettering into my art, the goal being to make complete traditional pieces with a poem vertically written included. My first ...
Kon's user avatar
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Is there any proverb/idiom about "climbing over the wall at night"?

Yes, even I find this question rather funny ;) But trying to translate a beautiful Chinese song titled "我對自己開了一槍" there's this part: 反正世事無常 沒必要在夜裡翻牆 And I'm cracking my mind wondering if it'...
Zai's user avatar
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What is written on these paintings and does it have any meaning?

Someone I know has a small business in buying/selling things. She asked if I know what the painting says as I know a limited amount of Japanese. while I couldn't read it even if it was Japanese, I ...
user36173's user avatar
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Can anyone help me with the identification of this mark which is located on the bottom of my porcelain bowl?

This underglaze mark assumed to be Chinese is located beneath a fine porcelain bowl that I own. I have no clues as to the actual translation. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
AOD's user avatar
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I want to know the meaning of 还 which is used inside 你使过的东西别乱放,还放回原处。

你使过的东西别乱放,还放回原处。 My translation : Don't letting the stuff(on the ground?)which you've used in disordered manner. Return them to corresponding original places. So what is the meaning of 还 here ?? &...
TG24's user avatar
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usage of 几乎 vs 几乎要

I just spent an hour of class trying to figure out the difference between: "这辆车几乎 撞 到我了" and "这辆车几乎 要撞 到我了". The only differnence is 几乎要 and not 几乎. The teacher kept saying ...
Xue's user avatar
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meanings of 就 inside 学校内就有银行,很方便

学校内就有银行,很方便 As I remove 就 from above, then the corresponding translation could be The school has a bank within its premise and it is very convenient. I guess that "already" can be used to ...
TG24's user avatar
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Can anyone help with these markings?

I have bought this bowl in an auction and I'm looking for help with these markings. I've used Google lens but it keeps coming up with allsorts. Many thank
Dinger's user avatar
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Seeking help in translation lyrics from the Chinese song

I'm trying to translate 光年之外 [Light Years Away] by G.E.M. (mostly from English though...) and in the first verse there's a line which I'm really curious about. 感受停在我发端的指尖 如何瞬间 冻结时间 记住望着我坚定的双眼 也许已经 ...
Zai's user avatar
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What does 大洞套小洞,洞洞相通 mean

can anyone please tell me this sentence’s translation from Chinese to English 我说欢迎你们下次再来,那个时候十八洞开发出来了,大洞套小洞,洞洞相通,保证你们比这次玩得还开心! What does 大洞套小洞,洞洞相通 mean here exactly
engy yasser's user avatar
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What does 坚持下来 mean?

What does it mean in the sentence - 取得成功的人往往都经历过许多失败,他们和普通人的区别就是他们都坚持了下来 ? I know that 下来 is the "it's going down", but i don't know what meaning it has here.
Tatiana's user avatar
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