Questions tagged [shanghainese]

Shanghainese (Native name: 上海閒話/上海言话), or the Shanghai dialect/Hu dialect (simplified Chinese: 上海话/沪语; traditional Chinese: 上海話/滬語), is a dialect of Wu Chinese spoken in the city of Shanghai and the surrounding region.

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13 votes
3 answers

Are there differences in writing between Chinese languages, such as Mandarin and Shanghainese

There are already many questions about the different spoken languages that can be called Chinese. This question on the other hand asks about the written one(s?). Well, to start, is the written ...
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6 votes
4 answers

Resources for learning Shanghainese

I'm surprised a question like this hasn't been asked yet. It seems Shanghainese is a dying language and it's rarely spoken. I'd like to know about resources and ways to learn the language by myself. ...