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2 votes

This seal is a name. What are the characters and what do they mean? (Characters identified: 權固守)

權固守 means "hold the power firmly" or "strongly defend the rights". 權 --> 權力 = power (as in governing power) 權 --> 權利 = right (as in human rights) 固 = firmly; solidly; ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
  • 78.8k
2 votes

Can anybody tell me who's artist seal this is? (Characters identified: 九峰山人)

九峰山人 is the name of the artist. These appear to be modern painting. The first depicts the God of Longevity. The second painting is based on a Chinese legend of the Waring States period, when the King ...
Fred Liu's user avatar
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Need translation of this painting inscription. Looks like Chinese Seal Font/script (Characters identified: 柔豐)

Here is a color picture of same.
Jimmy Schoster's user avatar
1 vote

Need translation of this painting inscription. Looks like Chinese Seal Font/script (Characters identified: 柔豐)

It's 柔丰 (柔豐 traditional Chinese) in small seal script You can type in 柔丰 on this website to verify:
hackape's user avatar
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Can someone please translate this, I think it is seal script? (Characters identified: 天神貴者太乙)

I can provide a bit explanation. Even though it is easy to literally translate, that will not give you any meaningful understanding. The hard part is the culture background, which even majority ...
Dudu's user avatar
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Can someone please translate this, I think it is seal script? (Characters identified: 天神貴者太乙)

I got Taiyi the noblest of Gods in heaven Is that anywhere close?
user38707's user avatar
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Seal on vase identification help (Characters identified: 工藝)

from right to left: (the far right is hard to identify because of the angle) 花**似锦 鸟弄舌如簧 Describing the beautiful blossoms and melodious birdsong.
Vincent's user avatar

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