I have 在大家面前 and 在公共场所。It is for the sentence "I don't want to say this in front of everyone."

  • 在大家面前 confirmed by iciba 翻译, 相关例句:1.They used to kiss and cuddle in front of everyone.他们过去经常在人前搂抱亲吻。 iciba has 2 more sample sentences
    – user6065
    Apr 9, 2015 at 13:53
  • Vote for 在大家面前.
    – user4072
    Apr 9, 2015 at 14:40

3 Answers 3


formal one: 众目睽睽之下 normal one: 在大家面前 / 在大家都在的时候 (If you know the guys around you, else: ) 在这么多人面前 / 在这么多人在的时候

The sentence: 我不想在大家都在的时候说这种话(If you know the guys around you, else: ) 我不想在这么多人面前说这种话


公開 is probably the shortest way to capture what you want to say.


I don't want to say this in public/ in front of everyone.


I don't want to say this in front of everyone = 我不想在大家面前说这个

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