To become a Buddhist "monk" or "nun" is called chūjiā 出家. What is it called to take Catholic orders, other than dāng shénfù 當神父, etc.?

Edit (after reading some comments): A former Dominican novice told me that 出家 is sometimes used in the case of taking monastic orders. I'd be especially interested to hear from other people who have first-hand experience with this calling in a Chinese-language context.

  • What exactly does taking catholic orders mean?
    – Mou某
    Oct 23, 2015 at 14:18
  • take the vows of a (catholic) nun(monk) 发誓成为一个(天主教)修女 ((天主教)修道士) (神父 priest)
    – user6065
    Oct 23, 2015 at 17:46
  • 1
    Taking orders means undergoing the formal ritual of commitment to the life of a Catholic priest or nun, monastic or "secular". "Take holy orders" is another way of expressing this. Today I heard that 出家 is in fact sometimes used in this sense, if one is joining a monastic order. Oct 23, 2015 at 18:05

3 Answers 3


Holy orders



to take holy orders


21st Century

1 圣职受任仪式

2 牧师职位

3 牧师的品位等级

KEY, ABC, A Chinese-English Dictionary, Grand Ricci all call this:


Liang-An also calls it 神品 saying:


  • 领受圣秩 is closest to the structure of "to take holy orders", but I wonder if more native-sounding expressions have emerged. I see 神品 in a few sources, but I don't see examples. It looks like a noun; what verbal collocations does it possess? Oct 25, 2015 at 3:57
  • I guess the 品 in 神品 renders something like "official rank". Oct 25, 2015 at 3:59
  • @brannerchinese according to Chinese wikipedia entry 聖秩聖事, it may also be called 晉鐸 (「晉升司鐸」, become a priest), but it doesn't sound "native" either. Anyway, this concept is quite unique and may sound exotic, I'm afraid there's no well-known expression.
    – Stan
    Oct 25, 2015 at 5:26
  • Note that 牧师 refers to a clergy in the Protestant denominations.
    – user382
    Nov 2, 2015 at 13:57

I think the phrase might be 担任圣职 or 授任圣职.

Here's an article talking about Pope Francis. It uses 担任圣职.

As for the second translation, here's a quote from The Three Musketeers (in English):

"Ordination!" cried d'Artagnan.

is translated in Chinese as:

“圣职授任礼!” 达达尼昂叫起来


Maybe 入教? It doesn't mean for being a godfather (or similar) in Buddhist. But it is the equivalent of 出家 in some level.

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