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Are there any kanji that could be used to say Afroafro and/or Frofro in Traditionaltraditional Chinese? If not, what about Simplifiedsimplified Chinese? What are the characters?

Are there any kanji that could be used to say Afro and/or Fro in Traditional Chinese? If not, what about Simplified Chinese? What are the characters?

Are there any kanji that could be used to say afro and/or fro in traditional Chinese? If not, what about simplified Chinese? What are the characters?


Are there any kanji that could be used to say Afro and/or Fro in Traditional Chinese? If not, what about Simplified Chinese? What are the Kanjicharacters?

Are there any kanji that could be used to say Afro and/or Fro in Traditional Chinese? If not, what about Simplified Chinese? What are the Kanji?

Are there any kanji that could be used to say Afro and/or Fro in Traditional Chinese? If not, what about Simplified Chinese? What are the characters?

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Is There A Way To Say "Fro" (as in afro/fro) In Traditional Chinese?

Are there any kanji that could be used to say Afro and/or Fro in Traditional Chinese? If not, what about Simplified Chinese? What are the Kanji?