Metric unit of length
- 公里= kilometer(km)= 1000 meters
- 公尺= meter(m)= 1/1000 km
- 公寸= decimeter 1/10M
- 公分= centimeter(cm)= 1/100M
- 公釐= millimeters (mm)= 1/1000M
Mainland China:
- 千米= 1000 meters= kilometer(km)
- 百米= 100 meters
- 十米= 10 meters,
- 米= meter(m)
- 分米= decimeter 1/10M
- 厘米= centimeter 1/100M
- 毫米= millimeters 1/1000M
Hong Kong prefers imperial system because it was formerly ruled by Britain. For metric unit, Hong Kong people mostly use 公里, 公尺, 公分, 厘米 and 毫米 (a mix of Taiwan and Mainland China measurement units)
Both 公分 and 厘米 mean centimeter, just 公分 is mainly used in Taiwan and 厘米 is mostly used in Mainland China. Both 公分 and 厘米 means centimeter, just 公分 is mainly used in Taiwan and 厘米 is mostly used in Mainland China.