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Shorter name for PRC besidesthan 中华人民共和国

Is there a shorter term for the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国)? Seven syllables is quite a mouthful. There's 中国 and 大陆 but they aren't quite the same.

  • 中国 (China) can include the Taiwan, the Republic of China's territory, under a oneOne China modelprinciple
  • 大陆 (mainland) doesn't include Hong Kong and Macau

Shorter name for PRC besides 中华人民共和国

Is there a shorter term for the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国)? Seven syllables is quite a mouthful. There's 中国 and 大陆 but they aren't quite the same.

  • 中国 (China) can include the Taiwan, the Republic of China's territory, under a one China model
  • 大陆 (mainland) doesn't include Hong Kong and Macau

Shorter name for PRC than 中华人民共和国

Is there a shorter term for the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国)? Seven syllables is quite a mouthful. There's 中国 and 大陆 but they aren't quite the same.

  • 中国 (China) can include the Taiwan, the Republic of China's territory, under a One China principle
  • 大陆 (mainland) doesn't include Hong Kong and Macau
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Shorter name for PRC besides 中华人民共和国

Is there a shorter term for the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国)? Seven syllables is quite a mouthful. There's 中国 and 大陆 but they aren't quite the same.

  • 中国 (China) can include the Taiwan, the Republic of China's territory, under a one China model
  • 大陆 (mainland) doesn't include Hong Kong and Macau