生活中的美到处都是。= 生活中的美到处都有。= There are good things everywhere in our life. Both are good sentences and mean the same.
In Chinese, 是 and 有 are used exchangeably in most cases. 是 emphasizes the factfact that what the speaker is talking about is definitely true, while 有 points out the status of the existenceexistence of something, just like to be in English. For example,
(1) 一个月没回家,屋子里到处都是尘土。= Coming back home after one month, what I see is dust everywhere in the room. (that is disgusting)
(2) 一个月没回家,桌面上已经有了一层尘土。= Coming back home after one month, there is already a layer of dust on the desk. (just need to clean the desk)
The feeling is that 是 is stronger than 有.