I'm having difficulty translating the following sentence into Chinese:
A fraction q of the population is smart.
I was tempted to translate this as
百分之 q 的人口是聪明的。
But strictly speaking this is not correct, because fraction as a mathematical terminology means 分数 in Chinese (as in a / b for some natural numbers a and b), which is not necessarily a percentage.
Using the literal Chinese translation of fraction doesn't read well:
分数 q 的人口是聪明的。
I'm hoping to get help on a better translation of the sentence. Thank you!
From the comments it's clear to me that the English sentence to be translated, taken on its own, may be open to multiple interpretations. I hope the following context will clarify its meaning.
The intended meaning of "A fraction q of the population is smart" is that
The total number of smart people is q * N
given that the population size is N. To put this in full context, the original sentence I am to translate is related to calculating a conditional probability using Bayes' rule:
Suppose p% of the population is educated, and a fraction q of the educated is smart. Suppose further that a fraction r of the uneducated is smart as well. What is the probability that a randomly selected educated person is smart?
Replacing the algebra notations with numbers, the above could have read:
Suppose 73% of the population is educated, and 4/7 of the educated is smart. Suppose further that 2/3 of the uneducated is smart as well. What is the probability that a randomly selected educated person is smart?