I heard that there is a difference between 不由得 and 不得不, but fail to find a relevant page.

At least 不由得 and 由不得 are the synonym, and 不禁 is IIRC practically same.

But is there any difference between 不得不 and 不由得? How can I use it apart?


So is the difference on whether the action is executed unconciously? I feel I understand the difference a bit, but could not explain it verbelly.

  • relevant pages:bkrs: 不由得 can’t help cannot but 不由得|他说得有根有梢的,不由得你不信。 He spoke so convincingly that you couldn't help believing him.大家都这么说,不由得你不信。 Everybody says so, you just have to believe it.#6460 同义(syn): 禁不住, 撑不住, 忍不住, 不禁 不得不 #2396 have no choice but to; be bound to; be obliged to do sth.; cannot but; have to; cannot choose but; can't do better than; can't help but; can't keep from; can not refrain from; compel; force sb. to do sth.; have no option but to: 不得不低头认罪 have to plead guilty 时间有限,我不得不赶紧。 As time is limited, I have to hurry. 我不得不同意你的决定。
    – user6065
    Commented Mar 25, 2018 at 18:39
  • I cannot but agree to your decision.: 同义: 只得, 只好, 只能, lists of synonyms for each do not contain the other, various dictionaries for C function words (虚词)(4 in user's possession) do not mention these together (discounting possibility of confusing one with the other)
    – user6065
    Commented Mar 25, 2018 at 18:39

4 Answers 4


不得不 = no choice but

不由得 = can't help (e.g. myself)


  • 不得不屈服 no choice but yield

  • 不由得怀疑我的眼睛 can't help doubting my eyes (不由得 can be replaced with 不由自主地 in this example)

At least 不由得 and 由不得 are the synonym

Actually they are two different things

不由得 = can't help (e.g. myself); 由不得 = not up to (e.g. you)


不由得怀疑 = can't help suspecting (不由得 synonym 不禁)

由不得你作主 = it is not up to you to decide (由不得 synonym 不到)

由不得我选择 = it is not up to me to choose (由不得 synonym 不到)

  • Thanks and yeah I know 由不得 has another usage, but I just omit it as my question is about the diffirence between 不得不 and 不由得.
    – Blaszard
    Commented Mar 29, 2018 at 6:08

不由得 vs 不得不:

不由得 implies I have no choice and I have to do it even if I don't really want to do it emotionally. Well, 不得不 is usually just have to.

Grammatically, 不由得 can be followed with a full clause{S+V+Object}, while 不得不 is usually followed by a verb phrase{V+object}. For example, 不由得我不相信他,we don't say 不得不我不相信他, instead we say 不得不相信他.

  • 1
    Thanks but is 不由得 also used in S + 不由得 + V + O structure?
    – Blaszard
    Commented Mar 29, 2018 at 6:06
  • Yes, 不由得 can also be used in the structure you quoted
    – dan
    Commented Mar 29, 2018 at 9:29

below find 2 examples of pairs or triples including 不由得,不得不 that are close in meaning

"实用汉语近义虚词词典" 不由得(副)/忍不住(动)[相同] 都表示控制不住。后面的动词是具体行为时,常可互换:

(1)手被开水烫了一下,我不由得叫了起来。(忍不住 ✓)(2)想起家乡的亲人,妈妈不由得流下了眼泪。(忍不住 ✓)(3)说着说着,老李忍不住叹了一口气。(不由得✓)(4)听着,听着,大家忍不住笑了起来。(不由得✓)









不得不(动)/不能不(动)/不会不(动)[相同] 都是动词性结构,用双重否定来表示肯定,都用在动词性语前作状语。"不能不"有时和"不得不"换用,有时和"不会不"换用。


(1)他叫我去,我不得不去。(不能不 ✓ 不会不✗)(2)在飞机上,不得不关手机。(不能不 ✓ 不会不✗)(3)明天的会议很重要,你不能不参加。(不得不✓不会不✗)(4)他病得很厉害,不能不去医院看病。(不得不✓不会不✗)


(1)你是他的哥哥,不能不帮他。(不会不 ✓不得不✗)(2)他们是我的父母,我不能不管他们。(不会不 ✓不得不✗)(3)我请了他几次,他今天不会不来吧?(不能不 ✓不得不✗)(4)我想,她结婚不会不通知我吧?(不能不 ✓不得不✗)


(1)你能来,他们不会不高兴。(不能不 ✗不得不✗)(2)这件事都登报了,你父母不会不知道。(不能不 ✗不得不✗)(3)他们曾经是邻居,见了面不会不认识。(不能不 ✗不得不✗)(4)我们考得那么好,老师不会不满意。(不能不 ✗不得不✗)






Just image that, a beautiful girl is passing by. You would 不由得地 turn around to see. But you are on class now. And your teacher is yelling you. You 不得不 continue focus on the class.

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