I'm writing an email to a teacher and I'm trying to say "two weeks ago, you substituted for the teacher of my class". I'm trying to figure out how to say "substituted" and I haven't been able to figure out the right word in the context of a class. I've found 替代,代替,取代, etc., and I can't figure out which one's correct in this context.
ichacha :substitute teacher 代课教师; 代课老师... bkrs :代课[take over a class for an absent teacher; teach for an absent teacher] 指在某个老师有事及生病时, 替他讲课,学校中教师因故请假或临时离职,由他人代替授课,称为「代课」。to teach as substitute for absent teacher take over a class for an absent teacher: 代课教师 a supply teacher substitute-teach 替我代课行吗? Will you substitute-teach for me? 代替专职教师授课。 #31268– user6065Commented May 9, 2018 at 0:25
It is rather impolite to say "you substituted for the teacher of my class" whether in English or in Mandarin.– mootmootCommented May 9, 2018 at 7:34
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2 Answers
It could be“两周前您代我们班老师讲课” I've made subtle changes In the translation to make it natural and polite.