This question relates to the following snippet:

不约而同是一个成语,读音是是bù yuē ér tóng,意思是指事先没有约定而相互一致。
Baidu Baike,不约而同

It introduces the chengyu (idiom) 不约而同, which means something like "doing something consistently, but without prior arrangement". I'm just wondering why 是是 is used here---I haven't seen this before, so maybe it just means 是? Or maybe it's a typo?

Question: What does 是是 mean beyond 是? Is it just a typo?

Putting 是是 into YouDao gives this example: 你认为将会是是错误的决策. Maybe it's more tentative than plain 是, like 看看 perhaps. I'm not clear on this.

  • 4
    It's just a typo. 是 could not be used as 是是 like 看 and 看看.
    – user4072
    Commented Nov 9, 2018 at 1:19

3 Answers 3


As the comment and the other answer said it's definitely a typo.

Note that in highly informal daily conversations, a sequence of "是" or "好" can express impatience, or can indicate dismissal of other person's opinion (with an arrogant/inpatient/derogatory tone) despite repeatedly answering "yes". I'm not sure if such a pattern is also present in English though.


A: 你是不是脑子有问题啊? (Are you a idiot?)
B: 是是是是,你觉得是,那就是,不狡辩。(meaning: I don't give a ** about what you think.)


It is a typo here, but in some dialects 是是 means 是不是, which is another story.

  • 1
    "in some dialects 是是 means 是不是"? I don't believe it. Give me some proof. I would accept '是不?' can be the shortened form of '是不是' but '是是' is just too illogical to be considered as a shortened form of '是不是'
    – Tang Ho
    Commented Nov 9, 2018 at 12:36
  • @Tang Ho It is logical, it is just 吞音. e.g. "明天要下雨, 是是".
    – sfy
    Commented Nov 20, 2018 at 5:39

"啊是是是"表示躺平,摆烂。accept whatever you said but did nothing.

  • Please read the question before answering.
    – Olle Linge
    Commented Jun 23, 2023 at 13:08

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