李白名詩: 「舉頭望明月, ?????」
Hate the social status quo and the state of the world
Grammar mistake
The peach blossom is the same but the missed person is nowhere to be seen
Go between and put things together
Very stable
Feel Congenial the first time meeting someone
For a just cause, not looking back
Always accompany each other
「黃山、廬山、雁蕩山」 + 「泰山、華山、衡山、嵩山、恆山」
Realize the difficulty is too great and retreat
A lesson without using words
Lovers separate
Long history
The legend of how 宋太祖 (Song Taizu) was championed as emperor
Lamenting that people today have lost the loyal and honest heart of the ancients.
God of Wealth
「學無前後」 下句
distract the enemy and attack where they don't expected
Defraud or forcefully seize
「鳥之將死,其鳴也哀」 下句
A. Those who pass the imperial examination in the rural examination (first pass)
B. Determine expenses based on income
C. Improper measures or useless waste of energy and no results
D. appear and disappear unpredictablely
E. The hope is extremely ardent (similar to 望穿秋水)
F. Metaphor for 'comments are profound and pertinent or the performance is vivid'
G. It is a metaphor for the sharp opposition between the actions and words of the two sides.
H. Career advance in great speed and reach great height
I. Coincidence
J. Deep regret
K. Be the first to overwhelm others with momentum
L. Using retreat as a means to advance
M. The story of 劉関張 became sworn brothers
N. There's nothing one won't do
O. Continuous without end
P. Angry and dissatisfied
Q. 「儒、釋、道」+「帝王、文士、官吏、醫卜、僧道、士兵、農民、工匠、商賈」
R. The truth words from deepest part of one's heart.
S. Stable, unshakable like a mountain
T. The long narrative poem by 白居易 about the story of 唐玄宗 and 楊貴妃
U. Folk sayings
V. The place where 諸葛亮 died
W. The more the better
X. Sickness reached the late stage, the chance of recovery is slim
Y. Unexpectedly benefited from one's own personal disaster