I am still reading a Chinese book and found something I cannot translate. Possible you can help me. Thanks in advance. The phrase: "钓到凯子了". P.S. thanks all helped me last time.

2 Answers 2




(slang) to pick up men; to hit on a man

  • Thanks! Thought of it but wasn't sure..
    – mrRany
    Commented Mar 18, 2022 at 21:25

凯子 is street slang for a man who is 1) an older person with money to spend. The person is fond of and easily seduced by women (especially young women) and willing to use money/gift exchange for his pleasure, usually sexually oriented. 2) a young fellow from a rich family. The person will willingly spend money and cover the expense incurred by the so-called friends/brothers he met on the street to show off his generosity towards friends and gain the "number one" position in the group.

钓 is "fishing", "钓到凯子了" is saying - "got a fish (凯子)" through fishing.

  • Wow, great one!
    – mrRany
    Commented Mar 18, 2022 at 23:18

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