This database dictionary.txt
gives the decompositions of characters into components:
{"character":"侈","definition":"luxurious, extravagant","pinyin":["chǐ"],"decomposition":"⿰亻多","etymology":{"type":"ideographic","hint":"A person 亻 with more than they need 多"},"radical":"亻","matches":[[0],[0],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1]]}
{"character":"侉","definition":"to speak with an accent; big and clumsy","pinyin":["kuǎ"],"decomposition":"⿰亻夸","etymology":{"type":"pictophonetic","phonetic":"夸","semantic":"亻","hint":"person"},"radical":"亻","matches":[[0],[0],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1]]}
{"character":"例","definition":"precedent, example, case; regulation","pinyin":["lì"],"decomposition":"⿰亻列","etymology":{"type":"pictophonetic","phonetic":"列","semantic":"亻","hint":"person"},"radical":"亻","matches":[[0],[0],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1]]}
The database graphics.txt
has high-quality svg vector-graphic data for each character.
{"character":"吃","strokes":["M 145 546 Q 133 552 105 557 Q 92 561 89 555 Q 82 549 91 533 Q 122 457 138 334 Q 139 297 160 272 Q 178 250 183 265 Q 192 289 186 331 L 181 363 Q 162 484 158 518 C 155 542 155 542 145 546 Z","M 317 391 Q 332 499 360 531 Q 382 559 358 572 Q 337 582 308 600 Q 287 612 247 583 Q 217 568 145 546 C 116 537 130 508 158 518 Q 158 519 162 520 Q 208 533 246 544 Q 273 551 280 541 Q 289 534 281 492 Q 274 446 264 392 C 259 362 313 361 317 391 Z","M 186 331 Q 225 344 328 363 Q 338 364 338 373 Q 338 380 317 391 C 294 404 292 403 264 392 Q 218 374 181 363 C 152 354 157 322 186 331 Z","M 525 594 Q 556 637 578 683 Q 606 741 634 787 Q 644 803 627 818 Q 570 851 548 845 Q 535 842 539 826 Q 563 715 445 559 Q 418 532 388 490 Q 381 472 397 478 Q 439 490 506 571 L 525 594 Z","M 506 571 Q 515 562 554 554 Q 578 551 674 572 Q 821 611 824 612 Q 834 621 828 631 Q 819 644 786 651 Q 752 657 718 642 Q 676 626 631 614 Q 582 602 525 594 C 495 590 481 587 506 571 Z","M 455 390 Q 439 387 437 379 Q 436 372 444 368 Q 481 361 514 369 Q 536 382 565 390 Q 589 396 591 389 Q 594 383 557 325 Q 398 115 487 36 Q 488 36 491 33 Q 525 5 597 -11 Q 760 -50 946 31 Q 976 43 970 65 Q 954 128 949 226 Q 945 241 938 241 Q 932 242 925 225 Q 915 189 903 150 Q 887 95 841 76 Q 798 52 698 48 Q 598 44 560 62 Q 526 78 514 112 Q 498 187 618 320 Q 655 363 692 381 Q 717 394 709 407 Q 702 423 648 451 Q 627 464 599 449 Q 523 406 455 390 Z"],"medians":[[[98,547],[124,524],[130,511],[172,271]],[[157,526],[167,536],[196,547],[285,573],[322,546],[295,417],[271,399]],[[189,337],[199,352],[270,373],[329,372]],[[551,832],[586,791],[550,687],[533,650],[484,575],[399,489]],[[513,575],[636,588],[766,625],[805,627],[820,621]],[[446,377],[504,385],[587,417],[621,416],[637,403],[615,361],[515,222],[486,141],[485,106],[500,69],[530,43],[566,28],[653,13],[754,15],[829,30],[889,54],[917,73],[938,234]]]}
This free data is used for HanziWriter and many other sites.