
This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 19. What is the meaning of 趁?

萝卜饼(radish cake)要(must)趁(you take advantage of that being)热(hot)吃(to eat it)


萝卜饼(radish cake)要(must)趁(be rich in)热(hotness / warmth)吃(to be eaten)


Or something else?

3 Answers 3


The answer is the first one: "to take advantage of". This is the more common meaning, and also the more flexible meaning, with common collocations being:

  • 趁机会
  • 趁年轻
  • 趁早
  • 趁势

... as well as several well-known 成语, like:

  • 趁热打铁
  • 趁人之危
  • 趁火打劫
  • 趁乱逃脱

趁热吃 is very idiomatic, and commonly heard in Chinese households.

It can also be used in clauses, often in the durative 趁着, as found in e.g. a casual search of novels on Google Books:

  • 趁着课间操后的一点时间

"To have a lot of" is a marginal meaning in modern standard Mandarin, fossilised in the expression 趁钱 to be rich in wealth, to be wealthy, which also has a homophonous variant 称钱. In other varieties of Chinese, e.g. Min varieties, this expression means to earn money; this is possibly how the meaning was extended, although that is currently just speculation.


趁 = take advantage of, or avail oneself = at a certain time or opportunity to do something (某个时间或机会进行某种事情) = while (當).

趁热吃 = eat while it is hot (so to take the advantage of the warmth).



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