Recently during the lectures we've been listening to "China's Betting Big on Artificial Intelligence. Could the US lose the AI Race?" from YouTube. Certain video sections were in Chinese, with English subtitles. Cca. at 28:48 I got stuck. I'd consulted both the lector and ChatGPT 3.5 (the weaker one, yup) for help, and ended up with 2 different versions. This is #1:
And this is #2:
The subtitles provided with the video say this:
"From the overall perspective of development trends, both virtual technology and artificial intelligence are essential for the film and creative content industry. It's an inevitable direction of development, and it's irreversible."
Now, the difference is only in additional 是 in the first sentence, because the guy in the video says phonetically something like "是视觉". However, there is a slight pause in between, and my lecturer is persuaded that he's just hesitating and actually only repeats the syllable, saying "视- 视觉", which makes perfect sense. However, he also claims that #1 is grammatically impossible. Which is where I'm not so persuaded because I don't understand why the entire sentence "整个这个是视觉创作" couldn't be injected inside the "对…来讲" construct.
On the other hand, ChatGPT couldn't, of course, hear the video and has only my 3 text samples above. Nonetheless it says it believes that both #1 and #2 are grammatically correct. Furthermore, it says that #1 is possibly closer to the intended meaning of the subtitles. My issue is that as a layman, I'm more persuaded by the arguments of AI than by those of the professional educated teacher. Maybe AI is completely wrong? Or maybe both are partially right?
Hence I think my problem can be divided into 3 separate questions:
- Are both #1 and #2 grammatically correct, or only one?
- Is #1 or #2 closer to the intended meaning of the subtitles?
- What does the guy actually say in the video at that moment?
P.S.: There also may be additional errors in both of my transcriptions, e.g. parts with 我 or 不仅仅. I'd be thankful for any corrections:)