I'd like to say something like "...but my heart belongs to Hong Kong" as a possible response to "where do you live?" So the full context might be "I live in X but my heart belongs to Hong Kong". Meaning I'd always prefer to be in Hong Kong. Is there a way to say this that does not sound weird in Chinese?

Google Translate gives me:

但我的心脏属于香港 (Is this a good way to phrase the idea ?)

I am hoping someone can provide a better way to say this (especially if the direct translation sounds awkward).

Please feel free to follow-up if any clarification required.

  • 心脏 means heart as in the organ not as a metaphorical object! 心属于XXX is o.k. but probably not the most natural way to express this...
    – Mou某
    Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 17:16
  • @user3306356 In this case can 心属于 reference a place as in the sense of longing to be (at).. someplace?
    – Tommie C.
    Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 17:30
  • you know there's a phrase 乐不思蜀, I think you could use a play on words and say that you 思 another place instead and that would sound more natural...
    – Mou某
    Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 17:58

3 Answers 3


You may quote from 关羽(kuanyu) 身在曹营心在汉

So you can use 身在xx心在港.

Another common 1 is 我虽然身在xx但我的心永远属于(or 向着facing) 香港


One possibility would perhaps be:


  • Interesting. It's very precise. I am not sure if it carries the same carefree tone that the original sentiment in English conveys. If one were to say this idea casually, would it be expressed differently?
    – Tommie C.
    Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 18:26

我身處XX, 但仍然心繫香江.

1) "香江" is a well-known elegant way of saying "香港"

2) "仍然" is optional.

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