Someone was asking about this in a German Chinese forum. Now I too would really like to know what 水 is here! The author is from 重庆, maybe it is dialect.
Source: 《饥饿的女儿》,作者:虹影,出版年1997,第九章(3)。
The situation is: the main character of the book is meeting her history teacher for the first time outside a hospital, he doesn't show.
So maybe 没有水过我 is 放鸽子 but how does 水 come to mean that??
In German it was translated as cheat = verschaukeln. The original questioner also mentioned 过水 2, which I would loosely translate as 'he never fucked me about before'.
English from Howard Goldblatt: Always a man of his word, he'd never said one thing to me when he meant the other, at least not till now. He must have been ashamed of what he'd done - giving a virgin a dirty book like that - and knew that I'd seen through his little game.