This is taken from the phrase:


Sounds like it means "manifold" or something like that?

  • The taste varies according to different ingredients. The first 不同 refers to different, and the second refers to varies.
    – Dante WWWW
    Commented Feb 9, 2012 at 6:16
  • As noted above, the first 不同 is an adjective ("different") while the second one is a verb (differ).
    – gonnastop
    Commented May 28, 2012 at 21:21

1 Answer 1


No, here the real pattern that you should focus on is “依[A]而[B]", which means "according to A, B is/does...",remember 依 means "according to, based on" here. So your example means:

The tastes are different, according to differen ingredients.

Or you would say, The tastes of different ingredients are different.

Another example:

单价依采购量而定。 The unit price is determined based on the purchase quantity.

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