It's a pretty specific situation, so I hope you can help me.
1Depends on clientele, of course. The popular way to address people these days, especially in a business setting, is just a simple: 亲. This might seem tacky though, depending on who you are dealing with.– Mou某 ♦Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 15:40
4I think the safest way is 您好, as 您 is the respectable version of you and works for males and females.– HuangismCommented Jan 28, 2015 at 16:01
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2 Answers
The simplest and safest way:
If your email auto response included name(from email or etc):
Franjo Tušek,
forgot to mention, you have to put it on next line. I thought i already enter it to the next line. i will edit it. thanks @XiaogeSu Commented Jan 31, 2015 at 3:45
Now I got curious of what's the problem of putting them on the same line. Why not? Commented Feb 11, 2015 at 21:59
To business client its best to use
尊敬的客户(or person's lastname followed by 小姐/女士/先生): 您好! (Content) 再次感谢您对我行一贯的支持与厚爱. (or 再次感谢您给我们提供沟通交流的机会,祝您家庭幸福,年年安康!) 谢谢! (Your name, Company) 2015年1月
To family and friends you can use
亲爱的姐姐: 你最近好吗? (Content) 爱你的弟弟 2015年1月
尊敬的 is formal, (used in email response to your boss, elder) 亲爱的 is less formal, if you know the client you are responding to, you can use 亲爱的
This is a question about auto-responses. That means by definition that you cannot know who you're writing to, or indeed what the context is. The greeting, as well as the content, should be as generic as possible. Commented Jan 30, 2015 at 0:48
亲爱的 usually implies some kind of personal relationship, e.g. writing to parents, children, etc. Commented Jan 30, 2015 at 22:56