I've seen 摺 (almost intentionally I would assume) written in numerous simplified texts, especially with the word 摺叠
Here's one example (emphasis is my own):
浙江在线·住在杭州网3月3日消息 一方飘逸的丝巾,摺叠间营造出许多迥异的情调,变幻出万种风情。不同颜色、不同戴法,搭配出多少不同的你,或端庄秀丽、或热情奔放、或甜美娇人,让你摇曳生姿,变的生动而魅力。
Grand Ricci seems to like this simplification too, it contains an entry for 摺叠 but none for 折叠.
Guifan has the following footnote:
注意 “摺”简化为“折”, 但在“摺”和“折”意义可能混淆时, 《简化字总表》规定仍用“摺”。
Which doesn't totally clear things up, really.
What reason would 摺 be used in simplified texts as opposed to 折?
Is this a regional variant? (i.e.: TW/HK vs. Mainland, etc.)
Where would 折 and 摺 have different meanings? (Like mentioned in Guifan?)