- How Many Characters Are There Where The Radical Is The Same As The Main Component?
This question is definitely answerable as there are only a certain amount of radicals.
This question is definitely answerable as there are only a certain amount of radicals.
A quick perusal of my database gives me
u-cjk/6299 抙 ⿰扌手
u-cjk/726a 牪 ⿰牜牛
u-cjk/72be 犾 ⿰犭犬
u-cjk/73cf 珏 ⿰王玉
u-cjk/8aa9 誩 ⿰言言
u-cjk/8e00 踀 ⿰𧾷足
u-cjk-xa/3908 㤈 ⿰忄心
u-cjk-xb/201a7 𠆧 ⿰亻人
u-cjk-xb/23c99 𣲙 ⿰氵水
u-cjk/9342 鍂 ⿰金金
(considering only Unicode code points). I tested against the RegEx 氵水|礻示|⺬示|釒金|钅金|王玉|忄心|𥫗竹|讠言|言言|冫氷|扌手|𧾷足|⻗雨|爫爪|亻人|火灬|犭犬|牜牛|飠食|𩙿食|饣食
, which may be incomplete.
In related news, a search for 水水|示示|金金|王王|玉玉|心心|竹竹|手手|足足|雨雨|爪爪|人人|火火|犬犬|牛牛|食食
brings up, amongst others, these:
u-cjk/4ece 从 ⿰人人
u-cjk/6c9d 沝 ⿰水水
u-cjk/708f 炏 ⿰火火
u-cjk/73a8 玨 ⿰王王
u-cjk/7958 祘 ⿰示示
u-cjk-xa/3e5c 㹜 ⿰犬犬
u-cjk-xb/225f0 𢗰 ⿰心心
u-cjk-xb/22a92 𢪒 ⿰手手
u-cjk-xb/24519 𤔙 ⿱爪⿰爪爪
u-cjk-xb/24934 𤤴 ⿰玉玉
u-cjk-xb/25d12 𥴒 ⿱竹⿰竹竹
some of which may violate your expectations about how to correctly write characters, as the usual positional variants are not used in these forms.
I suppose you are looking for a list of such characters in Simplified Chinese. There is probably more, but here you go.
炎、多、昌、二、亖、畕、仌、歨(not 走)