Is this sentence still acceptable if I replace 均 with 都? Or to put that another way, have I got the meaning of 均 here correct?



  • Reechen, Chinese is very tricky, how am I supposed to know all the intricacies of this ancient language? 我是老外!Use a different word, and the meaning can shift, but I would not know.
    – Pedroski
    Commented May 30, 2015 at 1:33
  • You mean comments like 'look it up in a dictionary'? I entirely agree!
    – Pedroski
    Commented May 30, 2015 at 4:20
  • o d provide a large number of sample sentences intended to show the range of applicability of each word,this is particularly true of the adverbs都 and 均,e。g。iciba has more than 100 for 均(after reaching 100 gave up counting) and can there be any doubt that for 都 the number is even greater?In particular iciba has 53。 准备出国者均需注射伤寒预防针 containing 均需。Also iciba 句库 has many sample sentences for 都需 (when reaching 30 gave up counting)。P。S。iciba 句库 also has more than 40sample sentences for 均需。 线上词典提供大量例句旨在显示大多数词语的可用范围,至于"均"来说,有超过100个例子(达到100后,笔者放弃了计数),并毫无疑问关于"都"的数字甚至更大。情况甚‌​至比这更好些,其实爱词霸有大量包含"均需"与"都需"的例句。
    – user6065
    Commented May 30, 2015 at 9:39

1 Answer 1


Yes, you are correct. In this context, both and mean all. slightly indicates the variety of the processes.

均需 is formal and usually used in writing or lectures. 都要 would be one of the informal equivalents.

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