I can't use 地 after the adjective if the adjective is monosyllabic (so 他慢地走 isn't acceptable). Then why in this sentence is there 地 after a monosyllabic adjective?


Is it because I can use 地 if there is 很 before the adjective ?

  • 1
    the whole 状语,很慢 no longer is a monosyllabic adjective,in which case the following applies:实用现代汉语语法,512页:描写性的状语绝大多数后边可以用"地"1。形容词和形容词短语:加丽亚得意地说:"我成功了!"2。她大方地伸出手来同我握手。3。黄英激动地说:"我太佩服你了!"4。小红不高兴的走了。5。这时他很客气地提出三点要求。6。全会场都在静静地等待着。7。她一只手拿着筷子,两眼直瞪瞪地瞅着火苗。但单音节形容词后一般不用"地"。如"他看着我傻笑"。
    – user6065
    Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 14:18

2 Answers 2


I can't use 地 after the adjective if the adjective is monosyllabic

This is not a grammatical rule. This is an idiomatic rule and mostly for prosody concerns.

All the following expressions are grammatically correct. Only some sounds more natural than the others:

  • 他慢地走 <- sounds unnatural
  • 他很慢地走 <- sounds fine but not idiomatic
  • 他慢慢地走 <- sounds fine and idiomatic

Darlin' who is teaching you this stuff? I hope you are not paying too much!

You can say: 她很慢地走。or 她慢慢地走。

Better might be: 她在很慢地走。 or 她走得很慢。

Goodnight, Miss Chestnut!

  • 2
    Don't say 慢地走...
    – user4072
    Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 16:19
  • Sorry 'bout that, missed a 慢, was a bit drunk last night!
    – Pedroski
    Commented Jun 2, 2015 at 12:47

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