怎么用见怪不怪? 请给我一个例子。谢谢! Could I use this idiom do describe another culture that once seemed foreign? Also, does the idiom have good or bad connotations?

  • 1
    参考爱词霸词典,consult iciba
    – user6065
    Commented Jul 20, 2015 at 20:51
  • 过的事多了,也就觉得奇了。one would not surprised by the strange things that had seen much more times.
    – xenophōn
    Commented Nov 20, 2019 at 3:34

2 Answers 2


Oxford uses the word inured, which should give you an idea of the negative connotations attached to it.

not be surprised by anything unusual

对腐败见怪不怪, 腐败就难以根除。

If we become inured to corruption, we won't be able to wipe it out.

Adsotrans defines it as

to be totally jaded

Which is a good way of understanding the feelings behind 见怪不怪.

Here's an example sentence from a Chinese Chengyu dictionary


His behavior made people feel most peculiar, but after a while, everyone stopped seeming to notice.


It means 'to get used to something unusual', 'to get to bear something unbearable'.

From iciba.com:


After 40 years in the police, nothing shocks me anymore.

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