I'm not entirely sure what is suppose to follow 是否. For example, I'd like to say:

I wasn't know (or wasn't sure) if you heard me clearly.

I'm not sure if this is how it should be translated:


I'm also curious if this is correct:


How should the above be properly translated? And, more importantly, how do I use 是否 in general?

  • In your English sentences, consider using whether instead of if :)
    – Philipp
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 10:54

1 Answer 1


是否 roughly maps to whether in a yes-no interrogative sentence or clause.

For your sentence, you should use 不知道 or 不确定 instead of 没确定. 没确定 means haven't confirmed yet. Also 听得清 (could hear) is more polite than 听清了 (have heard). If the context allows, it is more natural to omit 我说的话.

I wasn't sure if you could hear me clearly.


General usage of 是否 is pretty straight-forward. You can check out Iciba for examples.

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