I have read about connectives 也 和 并 与 及 and asked some questions about them but still I'm somewhat not satisfied with my understanding. Let me summarize my knowledge:
1. 与
- connects: nouns only (old chinese), similar items of abstract and contrasting nature. 天与地, 是与非
- does not connect: words having YU sounding charactes.
- etymology: many hands holding something.
- analogs to:和跟同
- connotation: "together with" (to sit together with...), used in high speach, ancient/archaic tounge.
- geography of usage: universal
- literal or oral: literal mostly
2. 和
- connects: nouns, pronouns, synonyms, antomyms
- does not connect: verbs, words having HE sounding charactes.
- etymology: "a grain + a mouth". Meaningn that something is always a process of connecting food and mouth.
- analogs to:与跟同
- connotation: netural
- geography of usage: universal
- literal or oral: both
3. 跟
- connects: nouns, single characters, words, applied to similar items and more often to humans.
- does not connect: verbs, phrases, words having GEN sounding charactes.
- etymology: heel of a foot
- analogs to:和与同
- connotation: A跟B -> means "A and B" where A is following B "in foot steps". (some disagree with this "following" connotation")
- geography of usage: northern colloquial
- literal or oral: oral mostly
4. 同
- connects: ?
- does not connect: words having TONG sounding charactes.
- etymology: Singing while working. Unison, chorus.
- analogs to:和与跟
- connotation: A同B -> "A and B" when both are alike, similar.
- geography of usage: southern colloquial
- literal or oral: oral mostly
5. 并
- connects: synonyms verbs
- does not connect: antomyms?
- etymology: two human standing next to eachother.
- analogs to: 竝﹒並﹒并﹒併
- connotation: A并B, where A and B happen at the same time or close in time progressing from A to B.
- geography of usage: ?
- literal or oral: literal mostly
6. 及
- connects: nouns, verbs, phrases
- does not connect: ?
- etymology: a hand grabbing a man
- analogs to:?
- connotation: A及B, means A and B with greater emphasis on A. (can anybody explain)?
- geography of usage: ?
- literal or oral: completely literal
6.1 乃 or 廼(迺)
- connects: ?
- does not connect: ?
- etymology: 乃 is a dull blown version of 廴 which is a remnant of "a nest" in 廼 where 西 depicts a bird taking a seat in the nest.
- analogs to: 若乃 (like a series of\stacking on top untill) = 至于 (up to). Now servers as "then" as a consequence of it's "in a serie" connotation.
- examples: 乃聖乃神 - "And perfect and divine!" Here 乃 stresses layering of attributes.
- connotation: layering of sticks on top of each over, a series of events, one after another (like sticks in a bird's nest).
- geography of usage: ?
- literal or oral: ?
7. 而
- connects: words (old chinese only), phrases
- does not connect: ?
- etymology: hair of a beard.
- analogs to: 但 but still means "and".
- connotation: giving a sence of exeeding expectations, moreover kind of "and".
- geography of usage: ?
- literal or oral: both
- connects: In classical chinese 也 connects nouns. In modern - verbs only
- etymology: controversial some say it's either a snake (the idea "stretch/connection") or umbilica cord(connection to mother), or some utility object on the floor, whence "to be low" connotation originate which you still can trace for characters containing 也 as a radical.
- usage: In classical chinese a sentence AB也 frequently translates to "A is(equal) B" or "A being(always being) B". This model of 也 as *"a copula particle with function analoguos to modern 是 is being deisputed by some linguists. The best model of a genesis of 也 IMHO is explained in Marco Caboara works.
In short: In classical chinese 也(chi), regardles of it's etymology and true meaning, became a substitute for 啻 since they both had the same reading "chi" but 也 is much easier to write. 啻 had a meaning of "only"/"just"/"alike"/"As" and "to stop" (funny isn't it), so generally we can interpret AB也 as modern ** A是B** but more thorough translation would be "A also B" i.e. A (is) also (being) B. So I hope you see that thingking about 也 as copula "to be" was not a big mistake but "copula-model" does not explain why today we use 也 as "and/with". But "也-also-model" does hint on the origins of modern 也.
- connotation: "also" almost perfect translation for modern and ALSO :) classical chinese. Other translations: "also equal", "is also like that", "alike", "is the same as", just "as" when we treat "as" as also. Example: "He as me(AB也) is good at chinese" :).
- connects: numbers only ex.: 一千零一夜 1000 and 1 night.
- geography of usage: Cantonese
- connects: antonyms, parts of a complex number. ex.: 二十又五, 一又三分之二
- connotation: also
- connects: ?
- does not connect: ?
- etymology: Primitive pictograph 且. An ancesteral tablet placed on the altar or a depiction of a penis as in 祖 (spirit+penis = spirit of Fathers). So the sence of "following from ancestors to you and so on. The line of following = lineage.
- analogs to: 将, in ancient times 且 was used as a future tense marker.
- connotation: almost a perfect analog of an english word "further" which is close to meaning of "moreover" as a stressing of some futher things to come.
- 而且 - "but still" or "yet further"
- 尚且 - "further more"
- 且不说 - "further no mention"
- 且看 - "(let's) further look (at)" or "let's consider"
- 且慢 - "further wait (a minute)"
geography of usage: ?
literal or oral: literal as a standalone character only in classical chinese.
14.兼 - ?
- connects: ?
- does not connect: ?
- etymology: "2 cereal twigs + one hand". Meaning "holding two things in one hand, to lump together, combine
- analogs to:?
- connotation: A兼B , A and B all held together and treated as one object.
- geography of usage: ?
- literal or oral: liteal
I'm trying to understand the "AND" meaning of those HanZi.
Help! Can you fill in the blanks in the table above? Can you explain usage rules with simple but precise words?
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