Difference between 而, 但 and 和 contrasts 和 with two others, but doesn't mention 也.

"And" vs. "also" … ?

  • 也:adverb/副词,和:preposition/介词, conjunction/连词
    – user6065
    Oct 7, 2016 at 19:21

2 Answers 2


也 means "also" whereas 和 means "and."  Adverb vs. conjunction.

So for example, to say "I am also a student" you could write


But you cannot write


Additionally, 也 cannot function as 和。To say "My friend and I are watching a movie" you could write


But you cannot write


Here are some links you might want to check out (both on ChineseGrammarWiki):

  • So one ties an event/action/equation to a previous one, and the other puts nouns in pairs/groups. Thanks.
    – 伟思礼
    Oct 7, 2016 at 17:59
  • users note that answer was edited 1 hour ago to include the terms adverb and conjunction (和 also functions as preposition) suggested by comment 4 hrs ago
    – user6065
    Oct 7, 2016 at 23:42

I think 和 is more complicated than just 'and'. It shows a mouth 口 and 禾 a plant like rice. Its original meaning may have been something like 'in time of peace we have food to eat'. Its sense of 'and' may have evolved from 'peace - together - with - and'

If you look here you can see a lot of meanings: http://www.iciba.com/%E5%92%8C I think sometimes 和 and 跟 are interchangeable.

I hear '我也要‘ a lot 'I want some too'

I read 也 may be a picture of a wash basin, but I'm not convinced of that. Anyone have better info?

  • If the pages ccless1 cited are correct, they are not interchangeable. I do not know how to interpret icier, but I find it hard to believe all those entries are meanings of 和
    – 伟思礼
    Oct 7, 2016 at 23:42
  • Have a look here then, oh ye of little faith! zdic.net/z/16/js/548C.htm
    – Gangosa
    Oct 8, 2016 at 4:49
  • I don't know how to interpret that either, and if I try to get a hint from Google Translate, it tells me either of those URIs translate to a completely blank page :-). My suspicion was that they showed examples of usage or meanings of combinations as opposed to the character as a one-syllable word. Are you saying the "Grammar Wiki" is wrong? (Being a Wiki, it certainly could be!)
    – 伟思礼
    Oct 8, 2016 at 14:58
  • I think it's like this: when you read Chinese, you will come across a 1 character word and you think,"What's that doing there?" So you ask someone and they say, "Oh, that means XX" a 2 character word. If you are Chinese, you know what is meant, so a lot of times bits are left out. Makes hard reading for us 外国! Does 和 or 和平 mean peace? Depends on who is writing! People who eat together are probably at peace with each other.
    – Gangosa
    Oct 9, 2016 at 1:43

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