How to look up an entry in 《說文通訓定聲》?
前言 Introduction
從內容順序來看,作者 朱駿聲 是假設讀者已熟悉字的音韻。
The contents of common Chinese dictionaries are classified and arranged according to the shapes of radicals.
《說文通訓定聲》 is arranged in accordance with phonology.
Judging from the order of contents, the author, 朱駿聲, assumed that the readers are familiar with the sound of characters.
So, he listed first the self-created "18 classes of classical rhyme" as the "總目錄, Main Contents", and then the contents of each class.
Each class begins with the "字目錄, Contents of Characters", followed by the interpretation of each character.
字目 is classified according to the "sound symbol".
聲符 is the sound part of a picto-phonetic character.
Note: There are many English translations of 「形符」 and 「聲符」. The literal translations are used here.
Therefore, a regular search is as follows.
First, determine which class the target character belongs to in the Main Contents.
Secondly, according to the sound symbol of the target, find its position in the Contents of Characters of that class.
Finally, search the interpretation of the target in the subsequent contents.
The "sound symbols" are in ancient rhyme, which most people don't know all of them, so it is difficult to use this set of reference works.
Fortunately, the author included an index-like "Contents of Rhyme" in the rear volume, and we can use it to search.
This "Contents of Rhyme" is arranged according to radicals, i.e. we are familiar with, so everybody should be able to use it.
The following steps show you how to look up an entry in 《說文通訓定聲》by using 䟠 as an example.
步驟 Steps
⒈ 開啟《說文通訓定聲》網頁。
Open 《說文通訓定聲》 page.
⒉ 點選「說文通訓定聲十九」。
Click 說文通訓定聲十九.
⒊ 「韻目」在第2圖到第6圖。
The images from 2 to 6 show the "音韻目錄 Contents of Rhyme".
䟠 belongs to 7-stroke 足 radical in Image 4.
⒋ 從第7圖開始,逐一列出各字。
Starting from Image 7, the words are listed one by one.
The 足 radical starts from Image 151.
䟠 is in Image 152.
It is more convenient if using a paper version, because the edges of the odd pages show the radicals.
For the scanned images, we can only jump to a specific image by changing the number in the searching field at the top or in the address bar of the browser.
⒌ 找到「待尋字」後,往上看圓角矩形,其內容說明它是屬於「古韻十八部」中的哪一韻。
After having found the target word, look the rounded rectangle above, which shows the class of the target.
For example, 䟠 belongs to 泰 [ ㄊㄞˋ | tài ] class.
⒍ 回到第1步驟的頁面,點選「說文通訓定聲二」。
Go back to the page in the first step, and click 說文通訓定聲二.
⒎ 「總目」在第2圖和第3圖。
The Main Contents are in Image 2 and Image 3.
The 泰 class is in Image 3.
分部月 means that the sound belongs to 月 [ ㄩㄝˋ | yuè ] subclass.
轉乾屯 means that the sound is changed to 乾 [ ㄑㄧㄢˊ | qián ] class and 屯 [ ㄓㄨㄣ | zhūn ] class.
⒏ 從第4圖開始依「十八部」列出各部。
Starting from Image 4, it shows each class in the sequence of "18 classes".
豐部第一 starts from Image 4 of the 2nd volume.
泰部第十三 that 䟠 belongs to is in the volume 13.
That is 說文通訓定聲十三 in the front page shown in the first step.
⒐ 每一部先列出「字目」,然後才一一列出各字內容。
It shows the "Contents of Characters" first in each class, and then the interpretation of each word.
字目 is classified according to the "sound symbol", and those used to classify the words are framed.
The sound symbols are in ancient rhyme, which may not be the same as today's pronunciation.
Most people nowadays do not know all the ancient rhyme, so we can only guess the similar sound.
Using 䟠 as an example, the left component ⻊ is the "shape symbol" of the pictophonetic character; the right part 戉 is the "sound symbol", which is then used to classify 䟠.
戉 [ ㄩㄝˋ | yuè ] is derived from 𠄌 [ ㄐㄩㄝˊ | jué ], so 𠄌 is the indicator.
⒑ 要快速找到一個字的說明,要先知道該字在「字目」中的位置。
In order to find the interpretation of a word quickly, we should know its position in the "Contents of Characters" first.
And then we can jump to a particular image by inputing the image number in the searching field.
The browser should open two tabs now, one for the "Contents of Characters" and the other for searching.
We have to use the large characters at the top of the searching page to compare the words in the "Contents of Characters" so that we can determine to search forward or backward.
For example, the "Contents of Characters" of 泰 class span from the second to the twelfth images.
䟠 is in the front part of Image 11.
This volume has 191 images.
We can roughly infer that 䟠 is somewhere between the 150th and the 180th iamges.
We jump to the 170th image first, and can see one of the big characters at the top is 茷.
茷 is shown in Image 12 in the "Contents of Characters", and 䟠 in the front part of Image 11.
So, we know that we should look up backward.
And so on, we can find 䟠 in the 156th image.
步驟摘要 Summary of Steps
Find out which class the target word belongs to by using the "Contents of Rhyme" in Volume 19.
Find out the volume number of that class by using the "Main Contents" in Volume 2.
Find out the position of the word in question by using the "Contents of Characters" in the beginning part of that volume.
Look up its interpretation in the subsequent contents.
「䟠」的意思 The meaning of 䟠
The original interpretation of 䟠 in 《說文通訓定聲》 is as follows.
䟠 means 輕快的 (brisk; nimble) 腳 (feet).
Therefore, 輕足 means "fast walking".
从足: The radical is 足. ⻊ is the shape part of a pictophonetic character.
戉聲: The pronunciation is 戉 [ ㄩㄝˋ | yuè ]. 戉 is the sound part.
《廣雅˙釋詁一》 䟠,疾也。
The first part of 釋詁 chapter of the book 廣雅 mentioned that 䟠 means 疾.
疾 means "fast or rapid".
Author's Note: 䟠 means 飛揚發越, and is roughly the same as 越.
飛揚 means "flying".
發越 means "fast".
Therefore, 䟠 means "fast walking" or "walking as if flying".