Which of these sentences is correct? Or are both acceptable? Which sounds more natural to a native Mandarin speaker?
- 他把书放在桌子上。
- 他在桌子上放书。
- 他把书在桌子上放。
- 他放书在桌子上。
I guess 在桌子上 is not where the 放 is occurring, so maybe the #2 & #3 don't make sense? I can't find a specific sentence structure rule, but is it generally:
#4 seems to follow a pattern:
(subject) + (verb) + (object) + (location of object after verb action)
That seems to make sense to me.
#1 seems to follow a pattern:
(subject) + 把 + (object) + (verb) + (location of object after verb action)
This makes sense to me if it is acceptable to put (location of object after verb action) at the end of the sentence.
So the primary questions summarize to:
1) Is there a general sentence structure for actions on objects which change the location/state of the object?
2) Or is this case unique to "putting an object in a place"?