Result complement
There are endless examples of these 'attempt' or 'procedure' verbs in Chinese which don't include an outcome. The majority of Chinese verbs are like this, in fact. Some examples:
看 means 'to look' but doesn't include the result 'to see'.
听 means 'to listen' but doesn't include 'to hear'.
写 is similar to the English verb 'to write', in that it doesn't specify what the result of writing was (e.g. whether it was correct or not).
记 describes an attempt to remember, without specifying if the information was forgotten or successfully remembered.
杀 means something like 'to try and kill', whatever the result is.
All of these verbs need a result complement to describe a complete action with its result.
For the same reason:
- 带 means 'to carry/ to bring' but doesn't include which direction. Like the examples above. the verb 带 (carry/ bring) needs a result complement to describe a complete action with its result.
For example:
带回 = bring back
带走 = carry away
上 in 带上 implies 附上/ 加上 (along with / additionally)
(because)it is dangerous to go alone, (therefore) carry this.
(because)it is dangerous to go alone, (therefore) carry this [along]
A clearer Example:
这条路线很危险, 不带上几个保镖不行 (this route is dangerous, You must bring a few bodyguards along with you)
if you just wrote '带几个保镖' 带 could mean 'guide', 'lead', or 'carry'
一个人去很危险,带[着]这个吧 (because)it is dangerous to go alone, (therefore) carrying this (with you).