The characters for 'buy' and 'sell', seem to have a subtle difference in the character.
- 買/买 (buy)
- 賣/卖 (sell)
I want to know, what's the significance of the radial on top of the sell? How does adding that change 'buy' into 'sell'?
The characters for 'buy' and 'sell', seem to have a subtle difference in the character.
I want to know, what's the significance of the radial on top of the sell? How does adding that change 'buy' into 'sell'?
The original form of the top part of 賣 is 出.
出:拿出 take out
物:物品 goods
貨:交易 to trade
市:做買賣。to trade
買 refers to the commodity trading activities, both "to buy and to sell", and later refers specifically to purchase transactions.
source: 《康熙字典》《字源》
Your post has typo,
Should be like:
买/買(buy) 卖/ 賣 (sell)
The former one is the simplified Chinese, the later one is traditional Chinese, the 1st pair simply means "buy" or "purchase", the 2nd pair means "sell"