A very good fisherman taught his 3 sons his technique but he did not teach them 教训。 What does this 教训 mean here?

Earlier, in the text, it says:


别人告诉他:“你只传授给儿子们捕鱼的技术,却没有传授给他们教训。 没有教训与没有经验一样,都不能使人成功!”


  1. 指从错误或挫折中得到的经验
  2. 教育训练
  3. 训导;训戒

I don't think this 教训 is 3. That leaves either 1 or 2.

The person said, "你只传授给儿子们捕鱼的技术", so the father taught them the technique. Maybe this 教训 here means 'training'? He taught them, but he did not train (训练) them?

Or 却没有传授给他们教训 means:

but you did not teach them what you learned from your mistakes"


2 Answers 2


It's 1, you might feel awkward or unfamiliar because:

When we take the meaning as 1, we seldom says that someone teach others "教訓".

A more often way to use this meaning is to learn by someone itself.

Ex: 我從上次的失敗吸取教訓了,下次不會再犯同樣的錯。

I'v learned my mistake from last failure, and I won't make it again.


Obviously 1.

I happen to Google the source.

Since the old man has taught his sons everything. 'Technique' is unlikely the answer.

And the whole context is about how to deal with 'the failure'. So it's 1.

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