A very good fisherman taught his 3 sons his technique but he did not teach them 教训。 What does this 教训 mean here?
Earlier, in the text, it says:
别人告诉他:“你只传授给儿子们捕鱼的技术,却没有传授给他们教训。 没有教训与没有经验一样,都不能使人成功!”
- 指从错误或挫折中得到的经验
- 教育训练
- 训导;训戒
I don't think this 教训 is 3. That leaves either 1 or 2.
The person said, "你只传授给儿子们捕鱼的技术", so the father taught them the technique. Maybe this 教训 here means 'training'? He taught them, but he did not train (训练) them?
Or 却没有传授给他们教训 means:
but you did not teach them what you learned from your mistakes"