In an article over 人民网:
被捕女大学生交代“水獭是在曼谷市场附近地摊购买,打算当特产送给朋友。自己是第一次来泰国旅行,并不清楚不能带水獭”。 由于这名日本女嫌疑人的护照是10月25日刚发行,泰国警方目前怀疑这是一起有组织的走私水獭案。
In the first paragraph, the author uses 被逮 while in the second paragraph, the author uses 被捕. I understand that both mean 逮捕 in a passive form.
However, why does the author write it differently between these two paragraphs? In English, it is generally considered a good writing style to paraphrase a word in later sentences, but does that kind of convention exist in Mandarin as well?
Otherwise, what is the reason the author uses different words to mean the same thing in an article?
sounds weird; I guess author wanted to write被逮捕
is fine (to be used for qualifying a noun such as女大学生
should be used.