I have Sogou Pinyin on Ubuntu and things work fine, but I haven't been able to figure out how to type Pinyin with tone marks, e.g. 'mǎ', etc.
I've looked into the settings but found no option like that. I've searched online (in Chinese) but results I get show that Windows Sogou has a very different, more comprehensive menu structure with more options. The Ubuntu version seems like a dumbed down version of that, nothing close.
I've tried typing U + Unicode, e.g. U+0101 for 'ā' but that's a hassle. Copying from an online tool is also cumbersome, I have to type a lot of tone marked pinyin.
Has anyone run into this issue?
Edit: Screenshot of Sogou Settings menu on Ubuntu.
你好,先将搜狗输入法中文改成英文,然后点击菜单或在图标上点右键,选“软键盘”再选“拼音字母”,你就会在软键盘上看到带音标的字母了。比如你要打“nǐ hǎo"就先打“n ho”然后再在软键盘上插入“ǐ“和ǎ就可以了。搞一搞吧,很简单的。
搜狗没有这个功能,目前任何输入法也没有这个功能,想注音只能用特殊符号 搜狗状态下,ctrl+shift+B,特殊符号,拼音/注音