From the third sentence in the book 活着

Wǒ xǐhuān hē nóngmín nàzhǒng dàiyǒu kǔwèi de cháshuǐ

This translates to something like

I [我] like [喜欢] to drink [喝] the farmers' [民那] bitter-tasting [苦味] tea [茶水].

However, I don't understand what 那种带有 is doing in this sentence. Breaking it up: 那种 (nàzhǒng) = "the sort of" and 带有 (dàiyǒu) = "involve" (and "accompany"). So maybe it means something like

I like to drink the kind of bitter-tasting tea associated with farmers

but I'm not sure. YouDao has other examples of 那种带有 being used, and the first of which suggests it means something like "... the kind typical of [something]" but it's not exactly what it translates to.

Question: What is 那种带有 doing in 我喜欢喝农民那种带有苦味的茶水?

  • 带有bkrs:fr #3606 (high!) meaning depending on context, often, "have, with", esp. 带有...味 have,with ... taste, tasting ...(e.g. 苦,甜,咸,辣,酸) many examples of 带有 at bkrs.info/slovo.php?ch=%E5%B8%A6%E6%9C%89
    – user6065
    Commented Jul 21, 2018 at 4:47

4 Answers 4


我喜欢喝茶水 = I like to drink tea

我喜欢喝 [农民那种]茶水 = I like to drink [the farmers type] tea

"农民那种" is a relative phrase of "茶水" that provide information about the tea

What type of tea is it? It is the famers type

我喜欢喝 [农民那种] [带有苦味的] 茶水 = I like to drink [the farmers type], [which is bitter tasting] tea

"带有苦味的" is the relative phrase of "农民那种" that provide explanation on the famer's type

What is famers type? It is the type that with bitter taste

If you add a comma between relative phrases, the sentence would be easier to comprehend -- "我喜欢喝农民那种, 带有苦味的茶水"

If you remove "农民那种" and write "我喜欢喝带有苦味的茶水", "带有苦味的" would become relative/adjective phrase of 茶水

You can even add relative phrases for 带有苦味 and write "我喜欢喝农民那种, 带有苦味, 但尚未到藥味程度 的茶水"

How bitter is it? Not to the point of medicine like

  • "带有" (with/ contains) literally means "carry with"

带有 can be interpreted differently. The common word to interpret 带有 is with.

那种带有苦味的茶水: the kind of tea with bitter taste. Your interpretation the kind of bitter-taste tea is fine too.

So, the whole translation of 我喜欢喝农民那种带有苦味的茶 can be:

I like to drink/have the tea of the farmers' kind -- the one with bitter taste.


I would translate this sentence into:

I like to drink the kind of(那种) tea with bitter taste(带有苦味的) that farmers are used to drink(农民那种).


I think it can be translated as “something with the similarity feelings ” For example:我喜欢那种带有妈妈味道的饭菜。

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