In the context of "classifier for long thing objects" how do 條 and 匹 differ?
1bkrs: 匹 CL for horses,mules,camels,cloth: bolt 匹马/骆驼, 一匹布 条 CL for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)(用于细长的东西): 一条线 a piece of thread 一条蛇 a snake 两条腿 two legs (用于以固定数量合成的某些长条形的东西): 一条儿香烟 a carton of cigarettes 一条肥皂 a bar of soap (用于分项的): 一条新闻 a piece of news; an item of news 几条意见 several suggestions; several pieces of advice (引申用于人体): 一条好嗓子 a good (sweet) voice 一条人命 a life "实用汉语语法":板凳、边界、床单、大街、道路、筷子、电线、防线、缝儿、公路、沟、规律、规则、河、狗、狼(also 只)、黄瓜、街、金鱼、筋、军舰、裤子、链子、路、路线、麻袋、毛巾、绵被、命令、牛(头)、皮带、渠、裙子、褥子、嗓子(副)、山沟、山脉、伤疤(块)、伤口、舌头、蛇、神经(根)、 绳子、手巾、水坝、水渠、头巾,围巾、尾巴、线、项链、消息、– user6065Commented Sep 8, 2018 at 21:44
协定、心(颗)、血管、谚语、腰带、影子、鱼、原则、战线、枕巾、政策(项)、蛀虫、准则、玫瑰,泪痕、领带、理由、麻绳,also 匹 :骡– user6065Commented Sep 8, 2018 at 22:32
some users doubt "一匹狼" (see answer), see comment #1, for 狼,"实用汉语语法" only has 只、条、个,1st 2 for 狗、猎狗 likewise,匹 for animals;马、骡子 (both in comment and answer), comment also 骆驼,in addition 斑马 (note 斑马线)(however 一只/头驴)– user6065Commented Sep 9, 2018 at 1:54
some users wonder whether "一匹狼" (see answer) could possibly originate from 一批狼 , as is well known 批 is used for group of people 一批人,(一批货 batch of goods), accordingly when 狼 denotes a certain type of person 一批狼 becomes possible, search web, e.g. 1、企业发展就是要发展 一批狼 。狼有三大特性:一是敏锐的嗅觉;二是不屈不挠、奋不顾身的进攻精神;三是群体奋斗的意识。 2、我们生存下去的唯一出路是提高质量,降低成本,改善服务,否则十分容易被外国垄断集团,一棒打垮。 3、十年来我天天思考的都是失败,对成功视而不见,也没有什么荣誉感、自豪感,而是危机感。也许是这样才存活了十年。我们大家要一起来想,怎样才能活下去,也许才能存活得久一些。失败这一天是一定会到来,大家要准备迎接,这是我从不动摇的看法,这是历史规律。– user6065Commented Sep 9, 2018 at 5:30
2 Answers
When used as measure word, 匹 always has very specific and narrow matches with it
Above is pretty much all you would see with 匹 as a measure word.
For 条,except for dog, it always refer to animals that are long, thin and with no legs, like
Also, it refers to general long objects like
一条绳子、一条河、一条腿、一条烟(lots of boxes of ciggrets purchased together)
Moreover, 条 could refer to human body related concepts
I made a mistake, I think I wanted to ask about 根 gēn instead of 匹 and compare it to 條 Commented Sep 9, 2018 at 14:59
1bkrs: 根 :classifier for long slender objects, e.g. cigarettes, guitar strings CL:条(i.e. often interchangeable)两根筷子 根竹竿 "实用汉语语法"; 棒、冰棍、钉子、甘蔗、杆子、钢管(截)、骨头(块)、拐棍、管子(段)、棍子、火柴(包[pack])、毛、毛线(股)、眉毛(道)、木头(块)、丝(缕)头发(绺、缕)弦、香、香肠、香蕉(把)、秧苗(把)、针(枚)、竹子(节)、桩子(only)藕(节)、鞭子、扁担、肠子、黄瓜、筋、筷子、神经、绳子、树枝、锁链、线、香烟(支)、血管、腰带,蛀虫、 still for 条 :按语(个)、标语(张、幅)、坝、被单、被面、蚕、蚕丝、虫子(个)、船(个)、词(语词)(个)、词(诗词)(首)、大道、堤坝(道)、定理、毒蛇、鳄鱼、法则、肥皂(块)、根(个)、胳膊(只)、虹(道)、口袋(个)、枪(枝)、桥(座)、毯子、意见(个)、users can draw their own conclusions, noting that 根 and not 条 is used for some short,stiff and sturdy objects– user6065Commented Sep 9, 2018 at 18:25
“条”:A general term used to describe an object that is generally long。 “匹”: 1.A full roll of silk or cloth 2.Take horses.