These both seem to mean "on time" or "on schedule" (compared to 及时, which I believe means "in good time", i.e. before the scheduled / agreed time).
Is there a difference between them?
These both seem to mean "on time" or "on schedule" (compared to 及时, which I believe means "in good time", i.e. before the scheduled / agreed time).
Is there a difference between them?
准 = accurate; precise
准时 = on time/ on schedule (event or action take place at a precisely scheduled/ appointed time)
按 = according to; base on
按时 = on schedule/ on time (event or action take place strictly following a scheduled/ at an appointed time)
Also: 按时 (base on hourly schedule/ on schedule timely), 按年(base on an annual schedule ) 按月(base on a monthly schedule ), 按人头 (base on head count)
Example: 按时吃药, 按年交税, 按月付款, 按人头付款 ( Take medicine on schedule hourly/ timely, pay taxes base on an annual schedule , pay a sum base on a monthly schedule, pay a sum base on head count)
准时 can be adverb or adjective - you can say "he is always 准时" but not "he is always 按时" because 按时 is an adverb
Good question, their difference is tiny and hard to catch.
准时 is emotionally neutral while 按时 is less neutral. To be more clear, 准时 is emphasising on the physical aspect of being on time, while 按时 is emphasizing on a person's behaviour of being on time. For example
While you can still say
but the emphasis is not quite the same.
answer by web search,e.g. temari: 按时 in time, 准时 on time,... jingjing: 准时是形容词,可以在句子里直接作谓语,比如,我一向很准时。 按时是副词,不可以说,我很按时.... kittysama:按时带点被动性,准时更强调主动性。...
按时(副)/及时(形)"/准时(形) [相同] 都可以作状语,都表示在确定的时间内。"按时、准时"意思更接近,常可互换,但意思稍不同:"准时"表示"在准确的时间",强调"准",句中都有表示具体时间点的词语;"按时"指在预定或规定的时间,对时间的准确性要求不那么高,句中可以表示具体时间点的词语,也可以没有:(1)下午4点,飞往成都的CA2371次航班准时从白云机场起飞(按时✓及时✗)(2)晚上8点整,86次列车准时到达北京车站。(按时✓及时✗)(3)每天早上6点,老王都会准时到操场上锻炼。(按时✓及时✗)(4)这份材料明天下午要用,请准时完成。(按时✓及时✗)(5)每次集体活动她都准时参加。(按时✓及时✗)(6)开幕式9点开始,请按时出席。(准时✓及时✗)(7)我每天早上8点按时上班。(准时✓及时✗)(8)如果不按时交电话费,电话就会被停掉。(准时✓及时✗)(9)请同学们按时交作业。(准时✓及时✗)(10)他每天按时睡觉,按时起床,生活很规律。(准时✓及时✗)
[不同] 1。"及时"与"按时、准时"差别较大,不能互换。"按时、准时"所指的是一个规定的时间,而"及时"的时间是随事件的发生来确定的,表示"在适当的、最需要的时候":(1)幸亏小王及时发现问题,要不然就会出大事故。(按时✗准时✗)(2)警察及时赶到,抓住了小偷。(按时✗准时✗)(3)如果不是他及时来取措施,后果会更严重。(按时✗准时✗)