I am hoping somebody could help me identify the name of a type of topping that goes with the congee that my grandma would give me as a kid.
She didn't know English and had passed away years ago. I am unable to read or write in Chinese and can only speak Cantonese, but I know it used to be pronounced something like "ma yip", the "ma" sounds like the "ma yao" in sesame oil and the "yip" sounds like leaf. I have tried asking my parents but they don't know the English name nor what the Chinese spelling would be.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a cellphone back then so I don't have any pictures to show, but I remember it would look like shriveled up leaves and would taste salty (so goes well with congee). It looks sort of like the leafy bits of stir-fried ong choy (without the thick stem).
I have tried googling general "congee toppings" although I couldn't see anything similar to what I described (Perhaps it's not mainstream enough?). I also tried googling "ma yip" since I was able to find "ong choy", however "ma yip" doesn't give me anything useful. Any help would be very appreciated, as I haven't had this since I was a child and would love to eat this again!
EDIT: My grandparents were from Chao Zhou if that helps any. My mom said this type of topping was unique to Chao Zhou and that only the older people liked it (it was not popular with younger generations)