In "顶真", one uses a word near the end of the clause and then repeats that word to begin the next clause. For example, 忽聞海上有仙山,山在虛無縹緲間.
What if the same character repeats but means differently in different clauses? Is it still considered as "顶真"?
For example:
According to Wikipedia, (顶真) "是指上句的結尾與下句的開頭使用相同的字或詞,用以修飾兩句子的聲韻方法。需要注意的是,使用這個方式時,毋須限制上下句的字數或平仄,但上下句交接點一定要使用相同的字或詞"。
It seems to me that only the same character (or word) is required but not necessarily the same meaning.