As others have mentioned, there is no such thing as a specific area to avoid a term, because it has more than one meaning and its not like people in a bad meaning area have never heard of the good definition, vise versa. Language is fluid.
Lets look at a random english example "loser"-- maybe not the best example but the first one to come to mind and it'll do.
Loser can be very offensive to call someone, but are there areas that don't say it on a map? Impossible, because there are so many places that use it for a normal non-offensive meaning too. Even if I lived in a place that never used the term inoffensively, I would recognize that the sentence "The loser of the bet buys dinner" is the normal definition of the word. Even if I live in an area the never uses the term badly, I would recognize the sentence "You loser" is not kind.
In the same way, if you very clearly say 小姐 in an inoffensive way, people will recognize what you mean, even if they would not use that term themselves in that area. On the flip side, even if you are in an area where 小姐 is ususally not used offensively, an ambiguous sentence may be interpreted badly and seen as an insult.
"If in doubt avoid it" is true, but also just pay attention to how the locals around you say it. If they are all saying it to each other normally, its probably just fine to use clearly. If you've never heard a single local say it, then its probably better to use 女士 or whatever term you have heard them saying. If you hear the term in Hongkong, don't assume it'll be the same in Macau or Guangdong just cause they are nearby-- the same anywhere else.
Actually in Hongkong its totally okay to say this for miss, and the prostitute slang totally exists too. Just like loser in english, I have never had any confusion about what meaning was intended for this term as long as your sentences are clear (well, as is often chinese habit, any unclear sentence will probably be read between the lines no matter the subject haha).
In chinese context is almost always king, and that continues to apply here too :)