I face this problem a lot. I want to use a verb, e.g. 寻找 = "to search" (but it could be any other verb), and want to know if it's a transitive and/or intransitive verb in Chinese (i.e., whether or not it take an object); it could be either. For 寻找 we might say:
我在寻找你 (transitive)
我在寻找 (intransitive)
And Baidu suggests they're both okay, and thus 寻找 is both transitive and intransitive.
But it seems like this should be possible to determine through a dictionary or in some other way, and not by constructing sentences ans searching for them in Baidu.
Question: How do I determine whether a Chinese verb is transitive and/or intransitive?
In English, it'll be in dictionaries, e.g., seek. The same is not always true for Chinese, e.g., Bing, Baidu.