Please solve the following puzzle
The country is peaceful, citizens are happy. - 出自宋·吴自牧《梦梁录·山川神》
A talented man and a pretty lady (a good match) - 出自唐·李隐《潇湘录·呼延冀》。
Heros show themselves when the world is in chaos
Have great literary talent - 出自南朝·宋·无名氏《释常谈·斗之才》
Do not judge someone's worthiness by his success or failure 出自《庄子*盗跖》
Confucius' philosophy on education - 語出《論語.衛靈公第十五》
Smart people think alike - 語本《三國志·蜀書·龐統傳》裴松之注引《江表傳》
Unsung Hero
The meaning of 武《左傳·宣公十二年》
A truly wise man would seem like a fool in common people's eyes - 出自《贺欧阳少师致仕启》
Great grace - 語出. 明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》第十七卷
Near the end of time - 出自唐·李贺《致酒行》
Step into a trap 語出. 《三俠五義.第五五回》
wish someone to get unexpected wealth - 常見暉春字句
There's always a higher mountain - 民间俗语
Upstand gentleman 出自《舊唐書·崔胤傳》
Know the law and still break the law - 出自清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》
Of indomitable spirit 出自:宋·釋普濟《五燈會元·道場無庵法全禪師
A. A man of both civil and military ability 出自《舊五代史·和凝傳》
B. No one would pick up and keep someone else's lost item 《韓非子·外儲說左上》
C. A huge army can do 《晉書.卷一一四.苻堅載記下》
D. A match made in heaven; Congratulations on a happy marriage
E. A mind like still water - 出自《祭李侍郎文》
F. Lament the difficulties of the times, pity people's pain - 出自《争臣论》
G. Although the net of heaven is wide and sparse, it will never let bad guys get away - 語出《老子.第七三章》
H. Although people have talents, they have no chance to use them. 《資治通鑑.卷六五.漢紀五十七.獻帝建安十三年》
I. To save people by practicing medicine
J. The true color of a hero - 出自.明方汝浩《禅真逸史》第三十四回
K. Know heroes, respect hero
L. Summary execution - 見 .清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六十五回
M. Fully reveal your ability
N. Everyone has their own opinions on the same thing
O. Outstanding talent and strategy - 出自. 唐.王勃〈三國論〉
P. A foolish old man wanted to move the mountain (it is a metaphor of unremitting efforts, not afraid of hardships, and self-achieving) 見《列子.湯問》
Q. Taishan Mountain and the Big Dipper (It is a metaphor for people who have high morals, high reputation, or outstanding achievements and are admired by everyone) - 出自. 《新唐書·韓愈傳贊》
R. Pillar that supports the sky - 見《唐大詔令集.卷六四.大臣.鐵券.賜陳敬瑄鐵券文》
S. Describe a grace that is heavy like a mountain - 出自. 宋·陆游《删定官供职谢启》
T. Unmatched in the world - 見. 英烈傳˙第七十回
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