几个”Why are you asking me this question?"的翻译是什么?
What are some possible ways to translate "Why are you asking me this question?".
The most obvious is (1):
1) 你为什么问我这个问题?
However, there are some ways I can think of several dubious ways to use a serial verb construction to express this idea. Are any of them grammatical? Is there a sentence using the serial verb construction that does work?
A) 你为什么 把这个问题 问我。
B) 你为什么 问我 问这个问题。
C) 你为什么 给我 问这个问题。
D) 你为什么 对我 问这个问题。
An example topicalizing 你
E) 你这个问题为什么问我。