From my grade-3 语文 textbook, we find:
My translation: Every early morning, a knocking sound noisily awakens Gostia and Wali. This is the postal worker delivering the newspaper. One time, the postal worker told my father: "Comrade, your house's door is really 难叫, it'd be best to hang a letter box."
I don't understand what 叫 means in the last sentence. The context suggests something along the lines of the door makes an unpleasant noise, although I would write 难听 rather than 难叫.
叫 (jiào)
CC-CEDICT: to shout / to call / to order / to ask / to be called / by (indicates agent in the passive mood)
This definition doesn't seem to fit into the context.
Question: What does 叫 mean in 你家的门真难叫?
Google Translate translates 你家的门真难叫 to "your door is really hard to call", but "calling" a door doesn't make sense to me.