How do I use this with verbs with and without nouns, generally I can't find the grammar
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How do I use this with verbs with and without nouns, generally I can't find the grammar
I tried googling and search on YouTube but I can't find anything in deep detail
Verb + 了(for perfect tense)+ number + 次 + objective(only with vt.)
for example:
there's quite a lot of usage of it with verbs. hope these examples help you understand it better.
次 is offen use as quantifier word, it is similar like time
in english.
The verb usage is like this(mean stop
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Hope this can help you.
There are 2 kinds of usage of the word 次, (1) Cardinal words, 两次,三次。(2) Ordinal words, 第一次,第二次. You can also say 许多次 many times,最后一次 the last time,etc.
For example, 我去过上海三次,第一次去的时候,常常迷路。I have visited Shanghai three times. I often got lost the first time I was there.
去次一号/廁所 - go to the bathroom. 去(go) is the verb, 次 acts as a quantifier that means "a trip", the combined word "去次" means "a trip to". 一号/廁所(bathroom) is the noun.
俗語道"去芜存菁" - 去除雜亂,保留菁華. Similarily, we can say "去次存精" - 去除次品,保留精華. (Eliminate the inferior items, and only keep the best item). Note that 去 and 存 are verbs, and 次 and 精 are adjectives.
次 usually have serveral meanings in native user's daily life.
2.Second-rate、Secondary、Order、take second place....
a) 次級品、次等
b) 次要
c) 項次、次序
d) 我認為最棒的籃球員是麥可喬登,Kobe【次之】!