Usually you do talk much with me. But today I feel like there is something happened and I feel like that you don't talk much today. It is correct to say to you: "你今天就不说多的话了"?

The meaning to me: "You just don't talk much today".

  • Yes, the sentence is grammatically correct, except to make it better, you could add some metaphors and similes. Commented Jul 26, 2021 at 15:56
  • 你今天就不说多的话了(quite stilted) is slightly different from the meaning you intended. 你今天就没说多少话 is fit for that meaning.
    – dan
    Commented Jul 26, 2021 at 23:36

3 Answers 3


You could put it this way:

You're quiet today!




  • If I want to use the word speak or talk and just in the sentence. How can I say that?
    – O Connor
    Commented Jul 26, 2021 at 10:47

你今天就不说多的话了 sounds like a 祈使句, meaning 'please do not say anything else today'.

Pedroski's suggestion is great. What's more, to use the word 'speak' or 'talk', we can say:

  • 你今天说话很少呢。
  • 你今天咋没说几句话?

To add 'just' and mean 'You just don't talk much today', we can say:

  • 你今天根本没说几句话。
  • 你今天本来就说话很少。
  • 你今天本来就没说几句话。
  • 你今天真的没说啥。
  • 你今天真的说话很少。
  • 你今天真的没说几句话。

However, limited by my English capability, I am not sure about what 'just' really means in the sentence. Maybe there are alternative meanings?



I'll modify it to be more listener-friendly (especially the native speakers).

為什麼你今天就不多说话了? = 怎麼你今天就不多说话了? In both, "话" can be eliminated.

One more - 怎麼你今天就不多囉唆了? 囉唆 means "speak/talk too much", usually in a continuous, non-stoppable manner on trivial things, or something the listener is not interested in. But you may use it when talking to your loved ones or close friends with a mild/loving tune, then it becomes an expression of love or closeness in a joking manner (調侃).

Some equivalent sentences:

All sentences below are identical but expressed in different manners/tunes.

  1. PLain questioning, 你今天不太說話, 為什麼? or 為什麼你今天不太說話?

  2. Double questions, 你今天怎麼不多話了? 為什麼?

  3. Question follows comment, 你今天話說的很少啊! 為什麼?

Note, in sentences 2 & 3, "為什麼?" is unnecessary, as it is implied in the leading sentence.

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